Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of PhysicsExperimenta Fire Logo del portal

Awarded projects explained by their authors

One of the most important aims of this initiative is to disseminate science and its links with everything that sorrounds us, specially observing and making experiments hands-on ourselves.

Here we publish the teaching materials related to the awarded projects (videos and explanatins) in the XIII "Experimenta" Fair 2018. These materials are intended to be a stimulus and help other groups of students and teachers who may wish to reproduce these projects, and also an additional way to disseminate science explained by the girls and boys who made them.

Physics experiments and demos ESO/FPB 2018

Physics experiments and demos BACHILLERATO/CCFF GM 2018

Technology applications ESO/FPB 2018

Technology applications BACHILLERATO/CCFF GM 2018

PREMIO  del Público 2018

Here below you can watch videos awarded in the recent years:

Here you can find materials used in the hands-on workshop for children Fisicalandia