Universitat de ValènciaInstitut d'Investigació en Psicologia del RRHH, del Desenvolupament Organitzacional i de la Qualitat de Vida Laboral Logo del portal

Career centrality as a moderator of perceived overqualification: An investigation among recent college graduates in Spain. Journal of Vocational Behaviour - Erdogan et al.

  • 11 de maig de 2018

Nos complace anunciar que se ha aceptado para su publicación en Journal of Vocational Behavior el siguiente artículo:

Erdogan, B., Tomás, I., Valls, V. & Gracia, F. J. (2018). Career centrality as a moderator of perceived overqualification: An investigation among recent college graduates in Spain. Journal of Vocational Behaviour.


In this study, we develop and test a model examining when and through which mechanism perceived overqualification relates to career satisfaction and subjective well-being. In a sample of 143 new university graduates in Spain with data collected across two time periods, we showed that perceived overqualification interacted with career centrality to predict relative deprivation, which in turn was related to lower career satisfaction, positive affect, and life satisfaction, as well as higher negative affect. Further, perceived overqualification had a negative main effect on negative affect. The results suggest the importance of perceived overqualification for well-being outcomes that go beyond feelings regarding one’s specific job, as well as the importance of adopting a contextual approach to investigating the personal effects of perceived overqualification.

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