Universitat de ValènciaResearch Institute of Personnel Psychology, Organizational Development and Quality of Working Life Logo del portal

“The psychological well-being of the workforce: a strategic issue, not a patch”

  • April 7th, 2022
Image de la noticia

The digital magazine Human Capital has published in its latest issue the article The psychological well-being of the workforce: a strategic issue, not a patch. It explores the promotion of mental health as a core value of companies, in order not only to achieve the well-being of employees, and therefore increase their productivity, but also to achieve healthy communities and societies.

The Work Psychology think tank has analysed, in a round table, the possible reasons for the current diminished psychological well-being and its potential consequences for the business world, providing a list of good practices. José María Peiró, Professor Emeritus of the University of Valencia, and Professor Vicente González-Romá participated in this group of expert psychologists in the field, who addressed issues such as well-being and mental health as a strategic organizational value.