Universitat de ValènciaResearch Institute of Personnel Psychology, Organizational Development and Quality of Working Life Logo del portal

2nd Javea Workshop on Social and Evolutionary Psychology Evolutionary and Social Psychology: Confrontation, Interaction and Integration

  • January 26th, 2018
Playa de la Granadella, Jávea


28th of June (arrival and welcome dinner) – 1nd of July 2018, a couple of days before the HBES conference in Amsterdam. There are many direct flights from Amsterdam to Alicante, the airport closest to Javea.

Number of participants:

Minimally 15, maximally 20.

Scientific committee:

Douglas T. Kenrick, Arizona State University, USA
Martie Haselton, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Thomas Pollet, University of Newcastle, UK
José Maria Peiro, University of Valencia, Spain
Abraham P. Buunk, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

Local organizer:

Abraham P. Buunk, a.p.buunk@rug.nl


A maximum of 20 people, with a balance will between junior and senior scholars, men and women, North Americans and Europeans, and evolutionary and social psychologists.


Hotel Costamar, Javea, Province of Alicante, Spain.


This decent and clean hotel is located a few metres from the beach in the old port of Javea. The city of Javea has a characteristic old town, with narrow streets and tosca stone buildings, a spectacular coast line, and a relatively unspoiled, beautiful inland with canyons, mountains and quaint little villages.

Registration fee:

€ 125,-. This includes three dinners in various restaurants, drinks, a guided tour through the old town of Javea, and a social event with paella and live Cuban music.

Hotel rates:

We can happily benefit from the medium season rates, a day later the rates would be higher. For the workshop, one needs three nights.


Rates per night:

Single room: without sea view € 40, with sea view € 45,- (limited availability)
Double room: without sea view € 75, with sea view € 80,-, and with sea view and balcony € 85,-
Some participants may be booked in another hotel, a minute walking distance away.
Hotel rooms should be booked through Abraham Buunk.


Nearly 110 years ago, what may be considered as the first textbook in evolutionary psychology was published by William McDougall with the title An introduction to social psychology (1908). While over the years adaptionist approaches gradually disappeared from social psychology, these are now making a rather slow comeback. Although currently more than before in social psychology reference is made to the potential evolutionary background of social behavior and cognition, in many mainstream textbooks in social psychology much relevant evolutionary work is ignored. At the same time, however, in evolutionary psychology often no attention is paid to relevant work in social psychology, for example on mate selection, person perception, altruism, aggression, sex differences, intergroup conflict, ostracism, and leadership. The goal of this workshop is to promote the interaction, integration and confrontation between social psychology and evolutionary psychology. The focus will be on evolutionary explanations of many well-established effects and theories in social psychology as well as on the potential contributions of mainstream social psychology to insight into the adaptive functions of human behavior. Each speaker will have 25 minutes for his or her presentation, with 15 minutes of discussion.


A number of people will be personally invited, but the workshop is in principle open to all interested scholars.
Abstracts of 100 words that fit the goals of the workshop can be submitted no later than February 15 to Abraham Buunk, a.p.buunk@rug.nl.
No later than March 15, participants will be informed whether or not their paper is accepted, and will received travel information.


Original document