Universitat de ValènciaResearch Institute of Personnel Psychology, Organizational Development and Quality of Working Life Logo del portal



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Accessing and maintaining a job in the world of work is one of the objectives of the University in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Public policies and the White Papers of the European Union indicate the need to train for employment by promoting employability and the use of this union as an instrument to combat unemployment. For this, the universities have provided specific services for advising and promoting employability. In this sense, the development of employability requires a training methodology with a training design and specific activities to be carried out in the classroom promoted by the EAS method (http://bancodepatentes.gva.es/es) that allows its adaptation to the different contexts, groups and training areas. This method is based on the bioecological conception of employability that conceives employability as a metacomment. In this sense, it attends to the characteristics of the person, their circumstances and the contextual ones that surround them. This method is ideal for its inclusion as a methodological training strategy in the individualized training itineraries of the subject of ‘Conflict and negotiation techniques’ of the Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources. It is a training proposal that integrates the transversal training of employability through training techniques and activities based on the diversity of characteristics of the students and the demands that require the acquisition of new skills.

In this sense, the objective of this project is to adapt the EAS method as a teaching methodology of the different training itineraries in which the subject is designed and to implement and evaluate this innovative teaching-learning methodology.

Principal investigators:
  • Gonzalez Navarro, Pilar
  • PDI-Titular d'Universitat
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  • Llinares Insa, Lucia Inmaculada
  • PDI-Titular d'Universitat
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Participating researchers:
  • Cordoba Iñesta, Ana Isabel
  • PDI-Titular d'Universitat
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  • Garcia Serra, Nuria
  • PDI-Associat/Da Universitari/A
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Non-UV participating researchers

Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir: Ana M. Casino García

Start date
2021 September
End date
2022 September
Funding agencies:

  • The University of Valencia