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The main objective of BELASOS is to identify the conditions of the organizational contexts that generate sustainable labor well-being at work, by integrating the study of well-being at work with that of performance and productivity.

The characteristics of the job position and human resources practices as antecedents of a sustainable work well-being in the diffrent stages of the career
Belasos (PSI2012-36557)

During the last decades, important transformations have been experienced both in the socio-economic context, as well as in the labor markets, organizations and work. The recent and persistent economic crisis and high unemployment rates are raising doubts about the sustainability of well-being levels at work achieved in previous decades.

The concept of sustainable work well-being (BLS) refers to the long-term maintenance of psychological health, job satisfaction and personal growth of workers in a workplace in which they experience a high degree of commitment in turn. work, and high levels of performance and productivity. In this context, the objective of this research is to identify the conditions of the organizational contexts that generate BLS in workers, by integrating the study of well-being at work with that of performance and productivity.

In this research we propose to formulate and validate the construct of sustainable labor well-being (BLS) and analyze its antecedents, the measures adopted by the different actors to promote it and its dynamics over time. Specifically, through a field study with a longitudinal design, we are studying the role of job characteristics and human resource management practices in the development of the BLS.

Furthermore, these factors are studied from both the employer and the employee perspective. Taking into consideration the way in which individual actions (how people change their jobs and try to influence their working conditions) and organizational (job redesign and changes in human resources practices) can have a modulating effect on these relationships.

Finally, it is analyzed how the BLS, and its relationships with the proposed antecedent variables, are produced and affect workers of different age cohorts.

Workers and managers of different collaborating companies located in the Valencian Community, Catalonia and the Balearic Islands participate in this research.

This project has been funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Government of Spain DGICYT (PSI2012-36557).

Results for the companies

Work has been carried out to disseminate both the theoretical model of the project and the specific results related to the company itself to the collaborating companies. This work has been extended to companies in general in the conferences held in the family business chair (Peiró, 2014e) and in Foment del treball (Peiró, 2015) (see the references in the research publications section (Link to that section).

In addition, each collaborating company receives a report with the general results of their company, always safeguarding anonymity and confidentiality, in accordance with current legislation. In this report they also have a comparison of their organization with the global data of the sector to which they belong.

This allows them to broaden their knowledge of the reality of the company in each variable, in a general way and / or by teams, an example of this is the following graph in which the results of a work unit are presented in comparison with the global results Company (fictitious example):

If your Company is interested in participating in the Research, see the section on participating in the research.

Results for the researchers

The research we are conducting tries to contribute to the basic knowledge of the “new job” and its implications in the development of a sustainable labor well-being in the current situation of economic crisis and differentially analyzing these phenomena for different age cohorts.

Its main purpose is to formulate and validate a new construct that allows a better understanding of the dynamics between well-being, performance and productivity in organizations and that we have called sustainable labor well-being (BLS). Looking at the same time for different factors that positively influence the BLS, such as the characteristics of the job or Human Resources practices. In this way we propose to establish a new Theoretical Model, which takes into account the different variables raised, which allows us to analyze the new reality of work.

Another of the fundamental objectives is aimed at analyzing some characteristics of the organization and the individual that may be modulating the relationship between BLS and their work history. To do this, we adopt a double perspective focused on the actions that both the employee and the employer carry out to influence the characteristics of the job and the employee-employer relationships (job crafting, job redesign, and changes in resource practices humans). Finally, the model is contrasted in different age cohorts, in order to identify possible differences between these groups and thus contribute to better age management in organizations.

Currently, progress has been made in meeting the various proposed objectives, as detailed below. In the research publications section, the works developed to date can be consulted.

Analysis of job characteristics and their changes by employers and employees (job redesign and  job-crafting)

The validity and reliability of the job characteristics and job crafting scales and their relationship with well-being and job performance measures have been analyzed. Positive relationships have been found between the characteristics of autonomy and support and the eudaimonic operationalization of well-being (Villajos, et al., 2014). Relationships have also been found between changes initiated by employees in their jobs (job crafting) and creative performance (García-Buades et al., 2014). Progress has been made in the analysis of the background of job crafting, (Caballer et al., 2014; Villajos et al., 2014). Finally, analyzes have been started on the role of other personal variables such as orientations to happiness on work well-being (Peiró et al., 2014). In some works, the results of the validity and reliability analyzes of other scales such as the psychological contract have been presented (Rodríguez et al., 2014).

Analysis of the incidence of human resources practices, changes in them and the interpretation of employees

The validity and reliability of the human resources practices scale has been analyzed, indicating good results in both indices of said scale (Villajos, 2014; Villajos et al., 2014). Likewise, the relationships of these practices with different operationalizations of the BLS construct have been analyzed, highlighting both the importance of these practices and the differences in how they act on the BLS depending on the aspects of the same that are considered (Peiró, 2014 d, Ayala, et al., 2014 a, Ayala et al., 2014 b).

Differential analysis for the three age groups (under 35 years old, between 35 and 50 years old, over 50 years old)

The first analyzes have been carried out with the cross-sectional data. Some of these results have already been presented at conferences, finding differences in the relationship between job characteristics and job well-being as a function of age (Kozusznik et al., 2014). At the European Congress of Psychology, in Milan 2015, an invited symposium has been organized in which the main results related to the modulating role of age in the relationships between human resource practices and work well-being will be presented (Peiró, et al. . al., 2015), and in the relationships between organizational justice and well-being (Latorre, 2015).

Results for the society

One of the main goals of work and organizational psychology is to promote both the well-being and performance of employees. However, the yoke of the current economic crisis tyrannizes this goal, mercilessly threatening the sustainability of well-being and performance achieved in previous decades. A decrease in one of these factors can affect the other, leading to a vicious cycle. In this context, one of the greatest challenges for organizational psychologists is to turn this trend into a virtuous circle, in which promoting high levels of well-being at work implies an improvement in performance and vice-versa, what in this work we call “ synergy of well-being-sustainable production ”.

Therefore, one of the fundamental goals of this research is that the results are shared both with professionals and with society in general.
To this end, the results obtained are being presented at different conferences and scientific and professional meetings (see section on research publications (Link to that section)). Likewise, it is worth highlighting among the actions aimed at this objective, the coordination of a monographic issue of the journal Papeles del Psicólogo on the psychology of work in times of crisis (Ramos and Peiró, 2014). This magazine, of which more than 50,000 copies are published, is distributed to all members of the Colleges that are part of the General Council of Psychology of Spain.


Scientific-Techniques derived from the project and patents:

  • Bienestar sostenible en el trabajo: Revisión y reformulación. Peiró, J. M., Ayala, Y.,  Tordera, N., Lorente; L. y Rodríguez, I.  (2014) . Papeles del psicólogo, 35, 5-14.
  • Bienestar sostenible en el trabajo en tiempos de crisis: hacia una estrategia de prevención de riesgos laborales viable y duradera. Proceedings of the XII International Conference on Occupational Risk Prevention. Peiró, J.M.,  Ayala, Y., Tordera, N., Lorente, L.,  y Villajos, E. (2014). Zaragoza 21-23 Mayo 2014.
  • Bienestar sostenible en el trabajo: Revisión y reformulación. Papeles del Psicólogo. Peiró, J.M., Ayala, Y., Tordera, N., Lorente, L., y Rodríguez, I. (2014). 35, 7-16.
  • El análisis de los riesgos psicosociales en el trabajo: Investigación y práctica profesional en España, en Rufino, M. (dir.): Anuario internacional sobre prevención de riesgos psicosociales y calidad de vida en el trabajo. Peiró, J. M., Yeves, J. & Lorente, L. (2013). Madrid: Secretaría de Salud Laboral y Medio Ambiente UGT-CEC, pp. 19-46.
  • Estrés laboral: Nuevas y viejas formas en Moreno, B. y E. Garrosa (coord.): Salud laboral: Riesgos laborales psicosociales y bienestar laboral. Peiró, J. M., & Lira, E. (2013). Madrid: Editorial Pirámide, pp. 103-122.
  • El clima organizacional de estrés: Componentes, procesos de aparición, fuerza y efectos.  Peiró, J.M. & González-Romá. (2013).  En C. Alchieri y J. Barreiros (Coord.): Conferencias del XXXIV Congreso Interamericano de Psicología, pp. 131-150. Brasilia.

From collaborations:

  • Las prácticas de recursos humanos y la autoeficacia, y su capacidad para identificar distintos tipos de trabajadores felices y productivos. Comunicación presentada en el simposio  “Psicología positiva y bienestar en el trabajo y en las organizaciones“, coordinado por Marisa Salanova, en el  X Congreso internacional de la sociedad española para el estudio de la ansiedad y el estrés. Ayala, Y., Tordera, N., Lorente, L., Peiró, J.M. y Yeves, J. (2014)   Valencia (España) 11-13 Septiembre 2014.
  • The sustainable well-being at work: a reformulation of the happy-productive worker thesis and the discriminant and predictive value of human resource policies. Comunicación presentada al 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology.  Ayala, Y., Yeves, J., Lorente, L. (2014)  Paris (Francia) 8-13 Julio 2014.
  • Linking emotional dissonance and service climate to well-being at work: A cross-level analysis.  Carrasco, H., Martínez-Tur, V., Moliner, C., Peiró, J.M., y Ramis, C. (2014). Universitas Pshychologica, 13(3), 947-960.
  • Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer, Dordrecht,  Fortes-Ferreira, L. (2014). Equity. In: Michalos AC (Ed.).  Netherlands: Springer, pp 1952-1956.
  • Building and Restoring Resources at Work: Intervention Success and Boundary Conditions. Symposium chaired at the 11th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology. González-Morales, M.G. y Steidle, A. (2014).  Londres, (Reino Unido)  14-16 Abril.
  • La psicología del trabajo y las organizaciones en tiempos de crisis. Coordinación del número monográfico de la revista del Colegio oficial de psicólogos. Ramos, J. y Peiró, J.M. (2014). Papeles del Psicólogo, 35.
  • Bem-estar no trabalho. En M. M. Siqueira (Ed.) Novas Medidas do Comportamento Organizacional. Siqueira, M. M., Orengo, V., y Peiró, J. M. (2014). Porto Alegre: Artmed, pp. 39 - 51.
  • Antecedents of work-team satisfaction. A fresh look on an old route. Ponencia. 16th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology. 23 - 25 May. Fortes-Ferreira, L.; Gamero, N.; Tordera, N.; González-Romá, V.; Peiró, J.M. (2013). Münster, Alemania.
  • A Hierarchy of Eustress and Distress: Rating Scaling of the Valencia Eustress Distress Appraisal Scale. Interactional poster presented at the 16th Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP). Kozusznik, M. W., Rodríguez, I., Lloret, S., y Peiró, J. M. (2013). Münster, Germany, May 22-25th 2013.
  • Perceived reciprocity and well-being at work in non-professional employees: fairness or self-interest?  Stress and Health. Moliner, C.; Martínez-Tur, V.; Peiró, J.M.; Ramos, J. & Cropanzano, R. (2013). 29(1), 31-39.
  • Organizational stress climate and workers’ well-being: contributions to psychosocial risk analysis and preventation. Invited address, 13th European Congress of Psychology. 9 - 12 July. Peiró, J.M. (2013). Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Potocnik, K., Tordera, M.N. y  Peiró, J.M., (2013): Truly Satisfied With Your Retirement or Just Resigned? Pathways Toward Different Patterns of Retirement Satisfaction.  Journal of Applied Gerontology, 32 ( 2) 164-187.
  • Rodríguez, I., Kozusznik, M.W., y  Peiró, J. (2013). Development and validation of a Valencia Eustress-Distress Appraisal Scale. International Journal of Stress Management, 20(4), 279-308.
  • Conferencia invitada de José M. Peiró. El Clima de Estrés en el Trabajo: Principales Facetas, Procesos de Emergencia y Estrategias de Afrontamiento Individuales y Colectivas. XXXIV Congresso Interamericano de Psicologia, Brasilia, 17 de julio.
  • Conferencia invitada de José M. Peiró. Stressed Individuals and Culture and Climate of Stress at Work: The Role of Individual and Collective Coping. 13th European Congress of Psychology, Estocolmo, 10 de julio.
  • Conferencia de José María Peiró con motivo de la inauguración del Centro de Investigación en psicología del trabajo y del consumo (PsyTC). Freedom at work. Does occupational stress matter? Université libre de Bruxelles, Bruselas 14 de marzo


  • Ayala,Y; Tordera, N; Peiró,J.M.; Yeves, J. (2015). Do HR practices and job self-efficacy help to discriminate different patterns of well-being and job performance? Broadening the happy-productive worker thesis Trabajo presentado al 17th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, del 20 al 23 de Mayo, Oslo (Noruega).
  • Ayala, Y., Villajos, E., Tordera, N., Peiró, J.M., Lorente, L (2015) The mediating role of procedural and distributive justice in the relationship between employee’s perception of HRP and their job satisfaction. Trabajo presentado al 17th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, del 20 al 23 de Mayo, Oslo  (Noruega).
  • Kozusznik, M., Kozusznik, B. Wiecek-Jakubek, K., Adamek,D., Tordera, N.,  Rodriguez, I. (2015) HR practices and HR crafting as antecedents of well-being and performance among white-collar workers in Poland. Trabajo presentado al 17th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, del 20 al 23 de Mayo, Oslo (Noruega).
  • Latorre Navarro, F., Tordera,N.,  Ayala, Y., Rodríguez, I., Prieto, L., Ciniega, . L.A.R. (2015) Validating a scale of organizational justice across Spanish-speaking countries. Trabajo presentado al 17th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, del 20 al 23 de Mayo, Oslo (Noruega).
  • Tordera, N., Peiró, J.M., y  Lorente, L.  (2015) The relationship between human resources practices and wellbeing. A life-span approach. Trabajo presentado al Simposio invitado coord por Prof Peiró.
  • Latorre, F. (2015) So justly treated so happy and satisfied”, or not? Moderating effects of age and job category. Trabajo presentado al Simposio invitado coord por Prof Peiró"Happiness and productivity at work: Does age matter?"14th European Congress of Psychology en Milán 7-10 Julio de 2015.
  • Ingusci, E. y Chirumbolo, A (2015) Employee creativity and job crafting in different age groups. Trabajo presentado al Simposio invitado coord por Prof Peiró"Happiness and productivity at work: Does age matter?"14th European Congress of Psychology en Milán 7-10 Julio de 2015.
  • Peiró, J.M.,  Ayala, Y., Tordera, N. , Lorente,L.,  y Villajos, E. (2014)  Bienestar sostenible en el trabajo en tiempos de crisis: hacia una estrategia de prevención de riesgos laborales viable y duradera. Proceedings of the XII International Conference on Occupational Risk Prevention. Zaragoza 21-23 Mayo 2014.
  • Ayala, Y., Yeves, J., Lorente, L. (2014)  The sustainable well-being at work: a reformulatin of the happy-productive worker thesis and the discriminant and predictive value of human resource policies . Comunicación presentada al  28th International Congress of Applied Psychology. Paris 8-13 Julio 2014.
  • Ayala, Y., Peiró, J.M., y Tordera, N. (2014). Sustainable Well-Being and Performance at work (SWPW). Presentación del proyecto de investigación en el Department of Work Psychology and Leadership of Industrial Engineering and Management de la Aalto University School of Science (Finland) Noviembre 2014.
  • Ayala, Y., Peiró, J.M., Tordera, N., Lorente, L., y Yeves, J. (2014). Do HR practices and self-efficacy relate to different patterns of well-being and job performance? Broadening the happy-productive worker thesis to find sustainable synergies. IV Jornadas Científicas en Psicología de los RRHH. Valencia (España), 22-26 Septiembre.
  • Ayala, Y., Tordera, N., Peiró, J.M. y Lorente, L. (2014). El rol de las prácticas de recursos humanos en el desarrollo de distintos patrones de bienestar y desempeño. Comunicación presentada en el Simposio “Antecedentes del bienestar sostenible en el trabajo” coordinado por Núria Tordera  en el I Congreso de la SCEPS. XII Congreso Nacional de Psicología Social. Sevilla (España), 20-22 Noviembre.
  • Caballer, A., Sora, B., Peiró, J.M., y Bressan, E.A. (2014). ¿Influyen las características del puesto de trabajo en el job crafting? Trabajo presentado en el Simposio “Antecedentes del bienestar sostenible en el trabajo” coordinado por Núria Tordera en el I Congreso de la SCEPS. XII Congreso Nacional de Psicología Social. Sevilla (España), 20-22 Noviembre 2014.
  • García Buades, M.E., Navarro Guzmán, C., Ortiz Bonnín, S., Rodríguez Molina, I. (2014) Job crafting: una oportunidad para favorecer el desempeño creativo. Trabajo presentado en el Simposio “Antecedentes del bienestar sostenible en el trabajo” coordinado por Núria Tordera en el I Congreso de la SCEPS. XII Congreso Nacional de Psicología Social. Sevilla (España), 20-22 Noviembre 2014.
  • Kozusznik, M. W, Kozusznik, B. Wiecek-Jakubek, K., Lorente-Prieto, L. (2014) Característica del trabajo como antecedentes del bienestar en el trabajo en distintos grupos de edad. El caso de Polonia. Trabajo presentado en el Simposio “Bienestar sostenible en el trabajo en época de crisis económica” coordinado por José Mª Peiró Silla en el IX Congresso Ibero-Americano de Psicologia y 2º Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses celebrado en el Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisboa (Portugal), 9-13 Septiembre.
  • Peiró, J. M. (2014a) Organización del Simposio invitado “Bienestar sostenible en el trabajo en época de crisis económica” en el IX Congresso Ibero-Americano de Psicologia y 2º Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses celebrado en el Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisboa (Portugal), 9-13 Septiembre.
  • Peiró, J.M., (2014b) Felicidad y desempeño en el trabajo. Una revisión del modelo de trabajador productivo y feliz. Conferencia invitada en el IX Congresso Ibero-Americano de Psicologia y 2º Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses celebrado en el Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisboa (Portugal), 9-13 Septiembre.
  • Peiró, J. M. (2014c). Orientaciones a la felicidad y sus correlatos. Implicaciones sobre el bienestar y el desempeño en el trabajo. Ponencia en Simposio Invitado: Bienestar Sostenible en el Trabajo en Época de Crisis Económica. IX Congresso Ibero-Americano de Psicologia y 2º Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses celebrado en el Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisboa (Portugal)  9-13 Septiembre.
  • Peiró, J. M. (2014d). Making well-being sustainable: approaches and contributions from applied psychology. IAAP Presidential address at the 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP) ‘From crisis to sustainable well-being’. París (Francia). 8 8-13 Julio 2014.
  • Peiró, J.M.  (2014e) Bienestar sostenible en la empresa familiar. Ponencia invitada a la Cátedra de Empresa Familiar de la Universitat de València. Valencia (España) 8 de Octubre de 2014.
  • Peiró, J.M. (2014f). Making wellbeing sustainable: Approaches and contributions from Applied Psychology. Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM), México D.F., (México) 13 Noviembre.
  • Peiró, J.M. (2014g). Bienestar sostenible en el trabajo. Conceptualización, antecedentes y retos. 1º Congreso Latinoamericano para el avance de la ciencia psicológica. Buenos Aires (Argentina). 15-18 Octubre.
  • Peiró, J.M., Ayala, Y., Tordera, N., Latorre, F. (2014) Orientaciones a la felicidad y sus correlatos. Implicaciones sobre el bienestar y el desempeño en el trabajo. Trabajo presentado en el Simposio “Bienestar sostenible en el trabajo en época de crisis económica” coordinado por José Mª Peiró en el IX Congresso Ibero-Americano de Psicologia y 2º Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses celebrado en el Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisboa (Portugal), 9-13 Septiembre.
  • Peiró, J.M., Ramos, J., y Estreder, Y. (2014). How does employability affect the negative relationship among job insecurity and workers’ well-being? A comparison among models of direct, mediated or interaction relationship. Ponencia en: 11th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology. Londres (Reino Unido), 14-16 Abril 2014. 
  • Peiró, J.M. y Tordera, N. (2014) Presentación del proyecto a los grupos de la Universidad de Brasilia y Babes-Bolyai University Workshop sobre bienestar sostenible en el trabajo. Valencia (España), Diciembre de 2014.
  • Rodríguez, I.; Bressan, E; Magdaleno, J. y  Villajos, E. (2014). Capital psicológico. Análisis comparativo de la estructura factorial del PCQ. Comunicación presentada en el Simposio “Antecedentes del bienestar sostenible en el trabajo” coordinado por Núria Tordera  en el I Congreso de la SCEPS. XII Congreso Nacional de Psicología Social. Sevilla (España), 20-22 Noviembre.
  • Sora, B., Caballer, A., Tordera, N. y  Magdaleno, J. (2014). Job crafting”: ¿es positivo para los trabajadores? Trabajo presentado en el Simposio “Antecedentes del bienestar sostenible en el trabajo” coordinado por Núria Tordera en el I Congreso de la SCEPS. XII Congreso Nacional de Psicología Social. Sevilla (España), 20-22 Noviembre 2014.
  • Tordera, N. Organización del simposio “Antecedentes del bienestar sostenible en el trabajo” coordinado por Núria Tordera en el I Congreso de la SCEPS. XII Congreso Nacional de Psicología Social. Sevilla (España), 20-22 Noviembre 2014.
  • Villajos, E (2014) Adaptación y validación de una escala de prácticas de recursos humanos para la Administración Pública Española. Comunicación presentada en el IV Scientific Conference about Human Resources Psychology,  Valencia (España), 22-26 septiembre de 2014.
  • Villajos, E., Rodríguez, I., Lorente, L y Ayala Y (2014) Validación de una escala de prácticas de recursos humanos en el contexto español. Trabajo presentado en el Simposio “Bienestar sostenible en el trabajo en época de crisis económica” coordinado por José Mª Peiró Silla en el IX Congresso Ibero-Americano de Psicologia y 2º Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses celebrado en el Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisboa (Portugal), 9-13 Septiembre.
  • Villajos, E., Tordera, N., Ashagre, E., Mañas, MA. (2014) Relaciones entre la autonomía y el apoyo social del puesto de trabajo y el bienestar psicológico. El rol modulador del Job crafting. Trabajo presentado en el Simposio “Bienestar sostenible en el trabajo en época de crisis económica” coordinado por José Mª Peiró Silla en el IX Congresso Ibero-Americano de Psicologia y 2º Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses celebrado en el Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisboa (Portugal), 9-13 Septiembre.
  • Ayala, Y.; Peiró, J.M. (2013). Which HR practices within the context of economic crisis promote happiness and productivity among young workers? International Scientific Meeting on WOP-Psychology. Ponencia. 25-30 October. Valencia, Spain.
  • Bayona, J.A; Caballer, A.; Hernández, A.; Peiró, J.M. (2013). The work design questionnaire: Spanish version and adaptation. Ponencia. 16th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology. 23 - 25 May. Münster, Alemania.
  • Erdogan, B.; Kammeyer-Mueller, J.D.; Peiró, J.M.; Sonnetag, S.; Stell, P.; Wang, M. (2013). Research incubator on happiness and subjective well-being. Mesa redonda. 28th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Houston-Texas, Estados Unidos de América.
  • Fortes-Ferreira, L., Lorente, L y Tordera, N.(2013)Work characteristics, job satisfaction and wellbeing.  A study based on Eurofound data.  Paper presented at the Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Münster, Germany.
  • García-Buades, E. (2013) Climate for innovation as a moderator of the engagement – performance link. Paper presented at the EAWOP Small Group Meeting on Innovation in Organizations, Initiative and Creativity: a Dialectic Perspective. 19-21 Septiembre 2013. Valencia, España.
  • Lorente, L.; Tordera, N.; Peiró, J.M. (2013). Work characteristics and positive outcomes: the moderator role of age. International Scientific Meeting on WOP-Psychology. Ponencia. 25-30 October. Valencia, Spain.
  • Morgeson, F.P.; Garza, S.A.; Angel, V.; Bertolino, M.; Fraccaroli, F.; Peiró, J.M.; Stegmann, S.; Steiner, D.D.; Truxillo, D.M.; Van Dirk, R.; Zaniboni, S. (2013). A cross-cultural work design research incubator. Mesa redonda. 28th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Houston-Texas, Estados Unidos de América.
  • Peiró, J.M. (2013). El efecto del envejecimiento del trabajador desde la perspectiva sociológica de las organizaciones. IV Jornadas de Evaluación Ergonómica. Ponencia. 30 Enero 2013. Valencia, España.
  • Peiró, J.M. (2013). Motivación y satisfacción de los trabajadores. Nuevas perspectivas y desarrollo. Ponencia. VI Jornadas del Colegio Oficial de Psicologos del Principado de Asturias “La motivación en la empresa. Procesos y protagonistas”. 6 Junio 2013. Oviedo, España.
  • Peiró, J.M. (2013). Gestión y desarrollo de personas en la empresa. Nuevos retos y oportunidades. Ponencia Invitada. I Congreso Estatal de Centros Universitarios “Relaciones laborales y Ciencias del Trabajo”. 12-13 Septiembre. Valencia, España
  • Pereira, V. y Fortes-Ferreira, L. (2013). Características do trabalho e satisfação laboral – o papel do apoio social: O caso de uma empresa do sector automóvel. Comunicación presentada en la IVConferência em Investigação e Intervenção em Recursos Humanos, Setúbal, Portugal, Enero.
  • Van Dick, R.; Stegmann, S.; Fraccaroli, F.; Truxillo, D.; Zaniboni, S.; Peiró, J.M.; Garza, A.; Morgeson, F. (2013). SIOP-IAAP-EAWOP Alliance Symposium: A cross-Cultural Work Design Research Incubator. Mesa Redonda. 16th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology. 23 - 25 May. Münster, Alemania.




  • Kozusznik,  Malgorzata. Directores: prof. Isabel Rodríguez, prof. José M. Peiró. Título: “Stress appraisal at work: its measurement and implications for well-being. Calificación: sobresaliente cum laude. Universidad de Valencia, 2013.

In progress:

  • Ayala Millán Christian Yarid: Directores Prof. José M. Peiró y Núria Tordera. Título "Sustainable well-being and performance at work: HR pactices, psychological contract, personal initiative, self-efficacy and over-qualification as antecedents".
  • Djourova, Nia. Directora: prof. Isabel Rodríguez; Co-directora: Dra.Laura Lorente Prieto. Título: “Psychological Capital as a predictor of well-being and performance in the workplace: antecedents and underlying mechanisms”. Universidad de Valencia.
  • Villajos Girona, Esther. Directores: Prof. José María Peiró y prof. Núria Tordera. Título: “The relationship between human resource practices and sustainable well-being at work. The analysis of its mediators and moderators”.



  • Djourova, Nia. Tutora: prof. Isabel Rodríguez. Título: “The moderating effect of group identification and self- efficacy on the relationship between transformational leadership and climate of fear”. Universidad de Valencia, 2014.

In progress:

  • Magdaleno Marco, Jorge. Home tutor (Valencia): Isabel Rodríguez, Host tutors (Coimbra): Leonor Pais y Lisete Mónico. Título: “The effect of psychological capital on job satisfaction and the moderating role of age”.



If you  belong to a company:

Given that it is a field study, in order to carry out our research the collaboration of Companies is essential that allow us to collect data on how workers and those responsible for them perceive the characteristics of the Organization and the levels of Well-being and Quality of Work Life. So far, we have a sample of 1648 employees working in 239 units, corresponding to 48 companies.

The collaborating companies will receive a report with the general results and a comparison with the global data of their sector, always safeguarding the anonymity of companies and workers, the data will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and in accordance with current legislation on data protection personal (see the section on results for companies (Link to that section).

If your Company is interested in participating in the Research, you can contact the email address

If you are a student:

You can also collaborate in the different research phases, you will have the opportunity to experience in the foreground how a real study is carried out and contribute your grain of sand to the advancement of new knowledge.

With the help of the collaboration scholarships you can embark on a new professional project, do not hesitate and send an email

Non-UV principal researchers

  • Dr. José María Peiró Silla
  • Dra. Núria Tordera Santamatilde
  • Dra. Isabel Rodríguez Molina.
  • Dra. Amparo Caballer Hernández.
  • Dra. Laura Lorente Prieto.
  • Dra. Malgorzata Kozusznik.
  • Yarid Ayala Milan.
  • Esther Villajos Girona.
  • Nia Djourova.
  • Prof. Ana Hernández Baeza
  • Prof. Nuria Tordera Santamatilde
  • Prof. Rosario Zurriaga Llorens
  • Prof. Pilar Ripoll Botella
  • Prof. Pilar González Navarro
  • Prof. Virginia Orengo Castella

Non-UV participating researchers

  • Dra. María Esther García Buades (UIB)
  • Dra. Capilla Navarro Guzmán (UIB)
  • Dra. Beatriz Sora Miana (UOC)
  • Dra. Lina Fortes Ferreira (IPS)
  • Dra. Felisa Latorre Navarro (UTAM)

Start date
2012 January
End date
2015 December
Funding agencies:

  • Ministerio de Economía y Competividad


  • Universitat de Valencia
  • Universitat de les Illes Balears
  • Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
  • Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México
  • University of Silesia in Katowice
  • University of Guelph
  • Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal
  • SPB

Project type
  • GVA - PROMETEO - Research groups of excellence