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  • January 11th, 2018
Image de la noticia

Computer Science Service of the University of Valencia informs that, from January 19th (9pm) until Monday 22nd January (24h), the physical transfer of all the computer systems of the University will proceed to its location in the new Data Processing Center of the UV, in order to modernize and significantly improve the facilities of these systems.

This intervention requires a technical stop of all central systems and, therefore, of all applications and corporate services of the University of Valencia to which they support: Virtual Classroom, email, Web, corporate applications and electronic administration, disk spaces and cloud, ... telephony will also be affected.

This systems stop is absolutely necessary to proceed to their transfer. For this reason, and in order to minimize the impact on the work of the users, it will be carried out in a non-lective and non-working period. However, we urge users to take appropriate preventive measures, especially regarding the download of files or data they may need during the stop time.

We apologize for the inconvenience this task might entail.