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The structural stability and physical properties of carbonate phases at different thermodynamic conditions and chemical environments are questions of geophysical importance to be answered. The goal of our project is aimed at (i) the determination of phase relations in carbonates at geotherm conditions and (ii) the carbonation and carbon reduction processes at high pressures and temperatures, which will provide CO2 chemical reactivity constraints. Such knowledge is seminal to constraining the carbonate phase relations in the Earth’s interior, but also necessary input to design promising long-term carbon storage strategies.

This project is a joint experimental and theoretical effort to explore systematically the carbonation processes, to map out the pressure-temperature-composition phase diagrams and search for novel dense carbonate materials. For this purpose, we will use cutting-edge techniques such as high-vacuum external resistive-heated and laser-heated diamond-anvil cells together with concurrent in situ characterization techniques, and ab initio simulations.

Categoria projecte


Investigadors principals no UV

David Santamaría Perez

Alberto Otero de la Roza

Data d'inici
2019 Gener
Data de finalització
2021 Desembre
Entitats finançadores:

Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Unión Europea (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional) y Agencia Estatal de Investigación