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Seminari: “Salud reproductiva y mortalidad materna entre los siglos XIX y XX. Experiencias europeas comparadas”


Dimecres 14 de febrer de 2024, a les 12 hores, saló d’actes, Palau Cerveró 

Presentació i moderació del debat: Josep Bernabeu Mestre (Universitat de’Alacant) i Josep Lluís Barona (IILP-UV)



El seminario ilustrará los resultados de algunos recientes estudios sobre salud reproductiva y mortalidad durante el embarazo, el parto y el puerperio en algunos contextos europeos que habían sido poco investigados. La relativa escasez de estudios sobre mortalidad materna es sorprendente en vista de su importancia (también como indicador del estatus de las mujeres) en las vidas de las generaciones pasadas y su continua relevancia para las sociedades más pobres del mundo moderno.

Este déficit en la literatura refleja no sólo diferencias en las prioridades de investigación, pero también problemas de clasificación y calidad de los datos, dificultades de obtener datos comparables entre diferentes épocas y países. En cierto grado, estos problemas persisten hasta el presente. Sin embargo, uno de los principales objetivos del seminario es resaltar las preocupaciones metodológicas relativas a la coherencia y comparabilidad de las fuentes históricas y las limitaciones de los datos agregados para el estudio de la mortalidad materna. Los estudios de caso que se presentarán permiten resaltar elementos de continuidad entre la experiencia histórica y los desafíos actuales que enfrentan las poblaciones más pobres, destacando, una vez más, las lecciones que ofrece la historia.



Lucia Pozzi has been a full professor of Demography at the University of Sassari, where she has taught “Statistics” and “Demography”, since 2005.

She obtained her first degree in History at Bologna Univeristy in 1986 and her PhD in Demography was earned at the Universities of of Padua-Florence-Rome in 1991.

President of the European Society of Historical Demography (ESHD) until September 2022. She was one of the main promoters of the creation of ESHD and organized the ESHD Launching Conference, which took place in Alghero in September 2014. She is a member of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) Panel on Epidemics and Contagious Diseases: The Legacy of the Past, https://iussp.org/en/panel/epidemics-and- contagious-diseases-legacy-past.

She was President of the Italian Society of Historical Demography (S.I.De.S.) between 2006 and 2015.

Throughout her career she has always maintained close international collaborations with other European universities, including visiting research fellowships at the European University Institute of Florence, Queen’s University of Belfast, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona and more recently frequent visiting research periods at the Universities of Alicante and Valencia and Queen’s University of Belfast.

Prof. Pozzi has a substantial number of publications on topics in historical demography, particularly on the following themes: a) the health transition (with special attention to infant and child mortality decline) in Italy, Mediterranean and Northern Europe; b) the evolution of cause specific mortality in the Italian provinces after national Unification; c) the analysis of Sardinian longevity and its determinants; d) the experience of poverty related diseases in the South of Europe. D) Maternal mortality in Northern and Southern European countries.

She also sits on the editorial boards of two journals of historical demography: Annales de Démographie Historique and Popolazione e Storia.

She took part, as principal Italian investigator, in the four years HORIZON 2020 Research Project, Methodologies and Data mining techniques for the analysis of Big Data based on Longitudinal Population and Epidemiological Registers (LONGPOP), funded within the MSCA-ITN-ETN - European Training Networks- schemehttp://longpop-itn.eu/. LONGPOP established a network between 10 different European research teams, mainly in the historical demographic field so that they share experiences, build joint research, create a training track for specialists in the field of data management and statistical techniques and increase the number of users of large – possibly underused_ longitudinal populations registers and research databases, making more scientists and stakeholders aware of the wealth in the databases.

Most Recent publications

Francesco Scalone, Lucia Pozzi, Liam Kennedy (2023), Religion and Child Death in Ireland's Industrial Capital: Belfast 1911, Social Science History, Special Issue, 1-24.

Gabriele Ruiu, Lucia Pozzi, Michail Raftakis, Marco Breschi (2022). Investigation of gender differences in stillbirths in Italian regions at the turn of the nineteenth century. GENUS, ISSN: 2035-5556, doi: 10.1186/s41118-022-00173-7.

Gabriele Ruiu, Lucia Pozzi (2022), La diffusione degli asili infantili in Italia a cavallo fra Ottocento e Novecento, in Luca Mocarelli e Giulio Ongaro (a cura di), Condizioni di vita e disuguaglianze. Una prospettiva storico-demografica, Forum, Udine.

Lucia Pozzi, Liam Kennedy, Matteo Manfredini (2020). Did Mother’s Lives Matter= The Protection and Promotion of Maternal and Infant Health from the 16th to the 20th Century. ANNALES DE DÉMOGRAPHIE HISTORIQUE, vol. 2020, ISSN: 0066-2062.

Lucia Pozzi, Liam Kennedy (2020) Too Long a Sacrifice? Maternal Mortality in Northern Ireland during the First Half of the 20th Century. ANNALES DE DÉMOGRAPHIE HISTORIQUE, vol. 2020, ISSN: 0066-2062.

DURADA: 94 min