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The project aims to offer students of Philosophy and Social Sciences a multidisciplinary and transversal training opportunity in contemporary problems of art and its relationship with today's society from the perspective of philosophy and sociology. The innovative nature of the project is focused above all on breaking down the barriers between, on the one hand, the way of approaching art and society from the aesthetics or philosophy of art and, on the other hand, from sociology, thus promoting, by breaking down the barriers between these two approaches, a transversal and interdisciplinary thinking.

Interpreting society through art

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The objective and purpose of the innovation project is to enable work and discussions between sociology and philosophy students, in order to face the challenge of reflecting on the production and thinking about art today and the connection that it has with the society in which it is produced. This proposal for a multidisciplinary teaching innovation project arises from the lines and research work and the teaching of the members of the team that requested it, which are framed in the tradition of the Critical Theory of Society and the Frankfurt School, which was one of the first attempts to create work teams that belonged to various disciplines and thus be able to think in a more holistic way by uniting the characteristics of each discipline separately. For this reason, the project is open to students of these two degrees, Philosophy and Sociology, including Master's and PhD students. The aim is for the transversal and interdisciplinary work proposed in the project to have an impact on the traditional way in which the learning process is developed in the different disciplines and profiles of students who wish to participate, also introducing, as strategic lines of educational innovation, active learning methodologies such as movement, dance and performance, to promote their reflective and critical capacity on current art and its relationship with society. The innovation project will also try to promote the good use of digital technologies as educational resources in teaching and learning, promoting the creation and dissemination of innovative educational resources on social networks.

Principal investigators:
  • Vidal Mayor, Francisca Vanessa
  • PDI-Prof. Permanent Laboral Ppl
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Participating researchers:
  • Gallego Monzo, Joan
  • PI-Pred_Conselleria Acif Gva
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  • Herzog, Benno
  • PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
  • Director/a d' Institut Universitari
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Start date
2024 October
End date
2025 July
Funding agencies:

Vice-rectorate of Permanent Training, Teaching Transformation and Occupation of the University of Valencia

Project type
  • UV - Educational innovation