Universitat de ValènciaInstituto Universitario de Ciencia de los Materiales (ICMUV) Logo del portal

This project is funded by the Generalitat Valenciana, Program PROMETEO 2014 Phase II. The objective of this program is to support high quality research groups in the Comunitat Valenciana. Our group has renewed the project for a period of 4 years. The research activity of the group is structured in three sections:

 The researchers of the group are divided in three sections:

  •     The Optical fibers Laboratory (LFO)
  •     The Diffractive Optics Group and (DiOG)
  •     The Difraction and 3D Imaging Laboratory (3D I&D)

The research activity is focused on:

  •     the fabrication of photonic crystal fibers and optical fiber components for laser applications, new optical fiber light sources, sensors and microwave photonics,
  •     the modelling and designing of microstructured optical fibers and photonic devices and
  •     the 3D imaging systems and high resolution scanning microscopy.
Fecha de inicio
2014 Enero
Fecha de fin
2017 Diciembre