Welcome to the Optoelectronic Materials and Devices (UMDO) unit of research. This unit of research is integrated within the Photonics & Semiconductors group of the Materials Science Institute (ICMUV) of the University of Valencia.
We investigate the Physics and Applications of nanoscale photonic and plasmonic materials. These can enhance light-matter interactions by orders of magnitude for numerous applications: photovolatic technology, nonlinear phenomena, multi-material devices, sensors, basic physics, etc.
The main activity and excellence of UMDO was the optical properties of semiconductor quantum nanostructures (quantum wells, wires and dots) and from 2010 we have complemented this research in the development and exploitation of plasmonic and photonic materials for optoelectronic devices such as fotovoltaics and sensors. In 2012, we also started a new research line (lowdim) devoted to the study of two-dimensional materials, mainly semiconductors, and their optoelectronic applications. In the last five years we have received over 1000 citations in more than 70 peer review papers in high ranked journals.
Our group members come from a variety of disciplines such as Materials Science, Chemistry, Telecommunications, Electrical Engineering, Physics, and Applied and Engineering Physics. Our expertise ranges from electromagnetism theory to materials, chemistry and device characterization and fabrication. Fabrication is done within our Nanofabrication Facility and/or in collaboration with our external partners.
Some of our work has been the inspiration for a spinoff company, Intenanomat, whose main business activity at present is the synthesis, development and commercialization of different types of nanoparticles (metallic, semiconducting, magnetic and others) and nanocomposites for applications in cosmetics, biomedicine, photonics and photovoltaics.