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The duration of the Master's Degree in Actuarial and Financing Sciences is of 2 years and has a content of 120 ECTS credits arranged in the following modules:

Curriculum. Content arrangement
Compulsory modules
Module 1: Compulsory subject-matters Quantitative methods
Economic environment and legal framework
Finances and Introduction to insurance
Non-life insurance
Life, health and pension insurance
Risk control and solvency
Module 2: Work Placements
Module 3: Master's Degree Final Project
Optional modules Module 4: Training pathway in Finances
Module 5: Training pathway in Insurance

During the first year 60 ECTS credits of Compulsory subjects will be taken. In the second, 30 ECTS credits of Compulsory subjects, 10 of Optional subjects and Work Placements (14 ECTS credits) will be taken, as well as the Master's Degree Final Project (6 ECTS credits).

With the intent of making easier the completion of the Master's degree to students already working, a work plan has been designed, with less attending hours but without less academic coherence. It allows to juggle the two activities (please, refer to the section "Part-time studies").