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  • Town of Vilafamés

    Vilafamés request help to the Valencian Government to preserve its heritage

    26 february 2016

    Carmen Amoraga, general director of Culture and Heritage of the Valencian Government visited yesterday the city of Vilafamés, has requested to the Valencian Government financial investment that allows for preserving the historic quarter. The mayor of Vilafamés, Abel Ibáñez, and the councillor for Culture, Longi Gil, transmit to Amaroga that its municipality concentrates a great cultural heritage of singular interest, it even includes elements declared Bien de Interés Cultural (Asset of Cultural Interest - BIC).

  • Museu de Belles Arts de València

    Piranesi’s prints will be exhibited at the Museu de Belles Arts de València

    22 february 2016

    The Museum of Belles Arts de València bets for the exhibition -within the permanent collection- seven metal plates by Venetian engraver, archaeologist and architect Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778), who is considered to be one of the most important engravers of the 18th Century.

  • Alumna del Màster en Arqueologia realitzant pràctiques

    Quines assignatures cursaré en el Màster en Arqueologia?

    16 february 2016

    En el Màster en Arqueologia s'imparteixen un total de 48 crèdits obligatoris i 12 crèdits optatius que s'inclouen en un pla d'estudis que es proposa atendre a la demanda professional i investigadora en les diferents especialitats arqueològiques, proporcionant les eines metodològiques i teòriques necessàries tant pel que fa al reconeixement i classificació de materials, com a l'activitat de camp, laboratori i posterior tractament de dades.

  • Sant Vicent de la Roqueta, València

    La Roqueta archaeological excavation of Valencia will have more than 30 soundings

    1 february 2016

    The excavation in the ancient convent could find archaeological remains from up to three monasteries, where medieval tombs and ossuary have already been documented.

  • Castellet de Turís

    Valuing ‘El Castellet de Turís’

    18 january 2016

    Between the months of March and June 2010, there was an archaeological intervention in the set of constructions commonly known as El Castellet, in Turís (Valencia).  Thanks to these works, they have demonstrated that this Muslim-based edification played an important role in the defence of Valencian territory during approximately 500 years (from the 11th to the 15th Century) both during the Muslim era and after the Christian conquer. .