Universitat de ValènciaMaster's Degree in Archeology Logo del portal

Valuing ‘El Castellet de Turís’

Castellet de Turís

Between the months of March and June 2010, there was an archaeological intervention in the set of constructions commonly known as El Castellet, in Turís (Valencia).  Thanks to these works, they have demonstrated that this Muslim-based edification played an important role in the defence of Valencian territory during approximately 500 years (from the 11th to the 15th Century) both during the Muslim era and after the Christian conquer. .

18 january 2016

Between the months of March and June 2010, there was an archaeological intervention in the set of constructions commonly known as El Castellet, in Turís (Valencia).  Thanks to these works, they have demonstrated that this Muslim-based edification played an important role in the defence of Valencian territory during approximately 500 years (from the 11th to the 15th Century) both during the Muslim era and after the Christian conquer. 

The research was coordinated from the Universitat de València by Jorge Hermosilla, full university professor at the Department of Geography, and counted with the participation of co-directors like José Luís Jiménez Salvador, full university professor of Archaeology at the UV, Enrique Díes Cusí, archaeologist and Salvador Gil, architect.  As its main objectives, they were trying to study El Castellet in depth in order to acknowledge its origins and raison d’être, as well as the reason for its abandonment.  On the other hand, they were seeking to recover it as a heritage element.   500 years have gone by since the magnificent construction was abandoned and, since then, it has suffered a great wear both because of human action (pillaging, usage as quarry, quest for imaginary treasures), and because of natural phenomena (wind, rain, temperature differences), which has lead to the loss of a lot of pieces which made up the castle’s puzzle.  From the first moment, there has been a will to recover and give sense to the remains of the castle so that when Turís inhabitants  visit it, they can see over a pile of constructions greatly damaged, they can understand how much it meant for their village and they can enthusiastically discover the history hidden behind El Castellet.

After the archaeological intervention, many actions have been carried out to seek for its consolidation and valuing.  The criteria followed is to offer a picture of the castle during its last period (15th Century), and to add elements from other periods which are considered to be singular and important for its completion over time, but always trying not to confuse the visitor.