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  •  Eudald Carbonell and Luis Quevedo, by redesib

    About the documentary film “In search of the lost future”, starring Eudald Carbonell and Luis Quevedo.

    27 june 2016

    The movie -released on 15 June on behalf of the beginning of the Excavation Campaign at Atapuerca- counted with the presence of both protagonists. It took place at the Assembly Hall of the Museum and there was free entry until full capacity was reached.

  • Roman houses are found under the Cathedral of Valencia during the expansion work of its Museum

    12 may 2016

    The excavations carried out in the lower part of the Cathedral of Valencia during the works, which aim to carry out the restoration and expansion of its Museum, have allowed for  finding out, three metres deep, remains of a Roman street and of at least three houses dated from the 1st and 2nd centuries. This fact has consequences in the possibility that they can be crossed in a path that will be illuminated once the opening of the museum centre takes place, the Archbishopric communicated.


  • Agres, por tripadvisor

    Recall of the Archaeological Excavation in Agres 2014

    25 april 2016

    The excavation of the site of la Mola d’Agres that is compiled in the video belongs to the 2014 campaign, financed by the Directorate General of Historical Heritage of the Valencian Department of Culture of the Valencian Government. It was directed by Elena Grau and Jose Luis Peña, the two professors of the Department of Prehistory and Archaeology of the Universitat de València

  • Cartell de l'excavació

    Excavació Arqueològica La Cova de les Cendres (Teulada-Moraira, Alacant)

    22 april 2016

    S'obri el termini per a participar en la campanya d'excavació 2016 en el jaciment arqueològic de la Cova dels Cendres (Teulada-Moraira, Alacant) . La campanya es desenrotllarà durant el mes de Setembre i la primera quinzena d'Octubre, i es podran fer estades completes o quinzenals.

  • Sant Vicent de la Roqueta, València

    La Roqueta archaeological excavation of Valencia will have more than 30 soundings

    1 february 2016

    The excavation in the ancient convent could find archaeological remains from up to three monasteries, where medieval tombs and ossuary have already been documented.

  • Students working in the excavation

    UV students excavate the Torre Bofilla

    19 january 2016

    On Friday 15 January, the students of the Master’s Degree in Archaeology of the UV had the opportunity of carrying out a practical activity in Torre Bofilla, a real site located in the municipality of Bétera, on the outskirts of Valencia.