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The Museu de Prehistòria de Valencia plans spring readings and children’s workshops, conferences and visits à la carte

Programme of Museu de Prehistòria

The Museu de Prehistòria de Valencia presents its programme for the coming months of April, May and June that will be marked by children’s workshops, animations in the children’s library, conferences and visits à la carte, among other activities.

12 april 2016

The Museu de Prehistòria de Valencia has presented its programme for the coming months of April, May and June; a proposal marked by a wide range of activities including children’s thematic workshop, animations in the children’s library, interesting conferences and the diversity of visits on demand, among others.

Workshops will be run during the weekend, Saturdays at 12:30 and Sundays at 11:00 at Aula de tallers Museu de Prehistòria and it will generally last around an hour. In April will be carried out two workshops named “Pintant la vida” (Painting life), with sessions distributed over the four weekends. In May, workshops prepared are named “Sobre la ciutat romana” (About the Roman city) and “Patricis i plebeus” (Patricians and plebeians) and lastly, the intended topic during June will be “Un dia de la prehistòria en vinyetes” (A prehistoric day in cartoons).  The organizers of these sessions expect that every weekend children can learn one of the different prehistoric periods, that is to say: neandertals, cro-magnons and the metal age. On the other hand, children’s animations will take place every sunday at 10:30 and 13:00. In April, the chosen topic has been “Explicar per a recordar” (Explaining to remember) which is composed of three sessions: “Gravar per a evocar” (Carving out to recall), “L’art d’explicar’ (The art of explaining) and “Grafit, un invent prehistóric” (Graphite, a prehistoric invention). The programme chosen during May is built on “Moltes formes d’alimentar-se, un sol objectiu: menjar” (Many ways of feeding, one objective: eating), and animations about the sewing needle and hairdresser in the prehistory under the name “Grans invents de la vida quotidiana” (Great inventions of daily life).

On May 14th the Museu de Prehistòria will celebrate the European night of museums with tour performances

The conferences include several topics: On April 13th  ,V Seminars of Master's Degree in Archaeology, latest news ans trends will be carried out, and on April 27th will take place the IV Seminars Dissemination of Quaternary, that will be about geo-archaeology and bioarchaeology.  On May 14th the Museu de Prehistòria will celebrate the European night of museums with tour performances, workshops and animations from 22:00 to 1:00. Permanent exhibitions at Museu de Prehistòria that can be visited along this term are “Societats prehistòriques” (Prehistoric societies), “Història dels diners” (History of money), “Mon romà” (Roman world) and “Cultura ibèrica” (Iberian culture).