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The Editatona 2017 contributes to increase the visibility of female archaeologists

El Editatona 2017 contribuye a visibilizar a las arqueólogas

The Wikimarathon Editatona of this year intended to increase the visibility of women who are or were dedicated to Archaeology, but it will also contribute to bridge the genre gap and bias in publications.

30 march 2017

From the Department of Prehistoric, Archaeology and Ancient History we organised a Wikimarathon for the last 8 March, International Women’s Day. The activity was part of the Editona “Women and Archaeology” 2017, a cycle which was performed throughout the second week of March in three nodes and different cities: Valencia, Jaén y Madrid. The aim was to improve the covering that Wikipedia gives to female archaeologist and increase the female contributors in that encyclopaedia.


The inauguration of the cycle took place at the “Joan Reglà" Library of Humanities of our Universitat, where, from 10:00 to 17:00, members of the university community who wanted to participate came up to contribute to the cause of extend, create and improve the biographies of female archaeologists, with especial attention to their works and researches.



“Our aim is to extend, create and improve the biographies of female archaeologists, with especial attention to their works and researches”.


The second session was celebrated the following morning in Valencia, this time at the Prehistory Museum. Subsequently, these two activities were followed by two sessions in the libraries of the University of Jaén and the National Archaeological Museum of Madrid, which completed a week in which all workers of the organisation wanted to focus on the role of women not only in our country but also in the general level of society.


The invisibility and the scarcity of women in the information society has been studied for some time and a clear example of the tremendous inequality that still exists. Therefore, the Wikimarathon Editatona of this year intended to increase the visibility of women who are or were dedicated to Archaeology, but it will also contribute to bridge the genre gap and bias in publications. It also served to learn and practice the dynamics of network editing.