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Job market days

  • February 12th, 2020
Image de la noticia

As every year, the Interuniversity Master's Degree in Banking and Quantitative Finance organizes meetings in which companies from the financial industry present themselves and attract talents among the students of the last course of the program during their stay at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

This KPMG, Banco de Santander, PWC, Nfq, Deloitte, Repsol, ETS, Alamo Consulting have participated in the meetings, explained how a professional career would be developed within their organizations, why they are interested in people with their background, what type of work they would perform and the close relationship between the knowledge acquired in the Master and the needs of the industry. Note that among the presenters we have had several former students of the program who have shared their experience and have valued their training in our master.