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What career paths does a student in Banking and Quantitative Finance have?

  • May 23rd, 2016
 Poster about the day of professional opportunities of the Master of Banking and Quantitative Finance

The Master’s Degree organization and the Banco Santander-Universitat de València Seminar on International Finance are preparing a series of talks in which graduates from the master’s degree will talk about their personal experience.

We’ve spoken on other occasions about the job placement bank of the Master’s Degree in Banking and Quantitative Finance, the advantages our Workshops provide when making the jump to the job market, and even certain particular profiles, but if there is one group that can give an informed view on the career paths of this degree, that’s its own graduates.

This is why the academic coordination committee of the Master’s Degree in Banking and Quantitative Finance of the University of Valencia has organised a series of conferences introducing the possible career paths our students can follow. The sessions are held under the umbrella of the Banco Santander-Universitat de València Seminar on International Finance, and have our first year students in mind.

The talks will be held in the Ignacio Villalonga room at the Faculty of Economics (first floor), from 17:30 next Wednesday, May 25th. In this session, three alumni of the Master’s Degree in Banking and Quantitative Finance will participate.

The Banco Santander-Universitat de València Seminar on International Finance, organised annually since 2007, holds periodic “formative, cultural, research and academic extension activities orientated towards the ongoing improvement of knowledge in the field of international finances”. It’s coordinated by the Financial and Actuarial Economics and Business Finances departments at the UV.


Related links:

Why to choose a Ph.D. in Quantitative Finance

What do the Qfb Master’s Workshops consist in?