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Data Beers València organises its 13th edition in the II Summer School on Data Science of the UV

  • June 29th, 2019
Data Beers València organises its 13th edition in the II Summer School on Data Science of the UV

Data Beers València organises in 3rd July its 13th edition as part of the II Summer School on Data of the Universitat de València. The meeting will take place in the cafeteria of Octubre Centre de Cultura Contemporània at 7 p.m. It is an activity for discussing science data in a relaxed and fun environment.

The programme of the international summer edition will be divided in 4 parts. First, Javier Solano (Blautic & Pikku Sports) will impart his conference “Data analysis in sport and health by using sensors” on the relationship between sports and data science. Nuria de las Heras (Blockchain consultant) will continue with the exhibition “Bitcoin: an unchangeable database” about the characteristics, the immutability and the algorithm of the agreement of bitcoins.

Then, Sergi Pérez (Visuality) will impart his conference “AI applied to automatic audio recognition for home assistant to people with hearing loss”, that will focuse on the possibilities of data science for deaf people. Finally, Cristina Portalés (IRTIC-UV) will impart “Interactive visualization of tangible & intangible heritage” about the importance of conservation and dissemination of cultural heritage.

The objective of the initiative is to communicate and disseminate information with experts in a context that makes this communication easier. Registration is free and includes a beer on the house. More details and registration in the following links: and