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We continue with you!

  • June 1st, 2020
We continue with you by email

Given the exceptional and uncertainty situation we are going through; the Faculty of Economics changes the way we relate 

We will attend you in a personalized way, as always, through our emails. From there, we will resolve your doubts and concerns in the fastest, most direct and efficient way. For this, we have the following electronic addresses to which you can contact depending on what you want to consult:

Appointment to register: 
According to security measures established by the government to prevent Covid-19 expansion and according to the activation of the administrative deadlines set for June 1, 2020, the Faculty of Economics Registry will only attend in person by prior appointment, requesting it through the following link:

We all have to do our best so that, as far as possible, we continue the management, teaching and research of our centre. With everyone's effort, from our respective homes, we will contribute so that neither the University nor society is paralyzed.

Thanks for your cooperation!