- To know and have knowledge that provide with a base or opportunity to be original in the development and/or implementation of ideas, often in a research context.
- That the students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their capacity for problem resolution in new environments within wider contexts (or multidisciplinary contexts) related to their study area.
- The students to be able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of making judgments from an information that, being incomplete or limited, includes opinions on the social and ethic responsibility related to the implementation of their knowledge and judgment.
- That the students know how to communicate clearly and straightforward their conclusions, and the knowledge and the ultimate reasons that support them, to specialised and non-specialised audiences.
- Provide the students with the learning skills that allow them to keep studying largely in a self-guided or autonomous way.
- To integrate new technologies in their professional activity within the finance area of the company.
- Capacity for preparing, writing and publicly present financial reports and projects in a clear and coherent way, strictly defend them and answer satisfactorily to the critics against them.
- Critically analyse their work as being in charge of the business finances, as well as that of their peers.
- To be able to select, evaluate and look for information from different agents from the field, through the traditional methods and from the information technologies and the communication to use it effectively to face problems and situations related to corporate finance.
- To perform team work efficiently and effectively both in the finance area and in the other functional areas of the company.
- To make individual and collective decisions in their professional tasks as being in the person in charge of the business’ finance.
- To develop a proactive attitude against the possible economic and finance changes within the field of their professional environment as the person in charge of the business’ finance.
- To act within the framework of the Human Rights, the democratic principles, the equality principles between women and men, principles of solidarity, of environmental protection, of universal accessibility and design for everybody, and the principles for peace culture promotion.
- Skills in the negotiation and problem and conflict solution in the economic and financial area of the company.