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Addressed to

The Master’s EI is addressed primarily, without excluding other people, to managers, entrepreneurs, businesspeople, and active professionals in technology-based companies or projects, ready to drive innovation and technology as differentiation factors for the development of their competitive strategies.

The Master’s EI also aspires to become a training referent for managers, technicians and middle managers of companies, technological centres or research institutions with a clear desire of promoting R &D and innovation in their organisations. The academic requirement for taking the Master’s is to hold a Diploma, licenciatura (Spanish former undergraduate degrees) or Engineering degree.

Therefore, the Master’s EI will admit with priority
 Empresario Directivo
Businesspeople of technologic-based companies motivated for incorporating a broad base of knowledge in management –organisation. Managers and technicians of established companies that decided to bet on an efficient management of innovation and technology.
Emprendedor Técnico
Entrepreneurs with a business project with innovative content (instead of in hi-tech industries). Technicians, middle managers of research and technological institutions that require a specialised training in Projects Management of R&D.