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Dr. Dolores Añón Higón is Full Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Associate Researcher of the Social and Economic Behaviour Institute (ERI-CES) at the Universitat de València (UV). Before joining the UV in 2008, she worked at Aston University, and Warwick University. Dolores is an applied economist whose main research interest is to understand the drivers and impediments of productivity enhancement, with a particular focus on innovation, digitalization, and internationalization strategies. She has published in Industrial and Corporate ChangeInformation & ManagementOxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Research Policy, Small Business Economics, among others. Her research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Research (currently as Principal Investigator); the UK Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC), the European Commission, the British Academy, the NESTA Foundation, and various government agencies including UKTI, and DTI, as well as local governments (Generalitat Valenciana, Manchester Independent Economic Review) and private sector (BBVA Foundation).

Five selected/recent publications:

  1. Añón Higón, D., Bonvin, D. (2023). Digitalization and trade participation of SMEsSmall Business Economics, In press.
  2. Añón Higón, D. (2023). The persistence and cross-persistence of R&D outsourcing: onshore and offshore strategiesEconomics of Innovation and New Technology, 32:8, 1087-1113.
  3. Añón Higón, D., Bonvin, D. (2022). Information and communication technologies and firms’ export performanceIndustrial and Corporate Change, 31:4, 955–979
  4. Añón Higón, D., J. Gómez, P. Vargas (2017). Complementarities in innovation strategy: do intangibles play a role in enhancing firm performance? Industrial and Corporate Change, 26:5, 2017, 865-886.
  5. Añón Higón, D. (2016). In-house versus external basic research and first-to-market innovations. Research Policy, 45(4), 816-829.

Web page: https://www.uv.es/madoahi/



PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat

Departamento de Análisis Económico Facultat d'Economia Campus Tarongers s/n Despacho 3D08

(9638) 28223



Dr. Pilar Beneito López is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics and, Associated Researcher of the Social and Economic Behaviour Institute (ERI-CES) at the Universitat de València. Pilar holds a Bachelor’s degree and a Ph.D. in Economics from the Universitat de València, and an M.Sc. in Economics from University College London. Her main research interests are in the areas of Applied Industrial Economics; Economics of Innovation; Economics of Education; Gender Economics, and Microeconometrics. Her work has been published in several scientific journals including Economics of Education Review, Journal of Industrial Economics, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Oxford Economic Papers, Research Policy, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, among others. She has been involved in many national and international projects and has attended numerous national and international conferences and workshops.


Five selected/recent publications:


  1. Beneito, P.; Boscá, J.E.; Ferri, J. (2018): “Tuition fees and student effort at university”, Economics of Education Review, 64, 114-128.
  2. Beneito, P.; Rochina, M.E.; Sanchis A. (2017): “Competition and innovation with selective exit: an inverted-U shape relationship?”, Oxford Economic Papers, 69(4), 1032–1053.
  3. Beneito, P.; Coscollá, M.; Rochina, M.E.; Sanchis A. (2015) “Competitive Pressure and Innovation at the Firm Level”, Journal of Industrial Economics, 63(3), 422-457.
  4. Beneito, P.; Rochina, M.E.; Sanchis A. (2015): “The path of R&D efficiency over time”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 42, 57-69.
  5. Beneito, P. (2006): "The innovative performance of in-house and contracted R&D in terms of patents and utility models," Research Policy, 35(4), 502-517.




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(9616) 25524




PDI-Titular d'Universitat

Facultat d'Economia Avda. Dels Tarongers, S/N - Valencia 3° piso, Despacho 3 E 11 Tutorias: Segundo cuatrimestre Martes De 11:00 a 13:00. DESPATX 3E11 Martes De 15:00 a 16:00. DESPATX 3E11

(9638) 28265





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(9638) 28353



Dr. Rafael Llorca Vivero earned a Bachelor degree in Economics (with distintcion) at the Universitat de València (Valencia, Spain), a Master Science in Economics (with distinction) at University College London and a PhD at the University of Valencia. He is now Professor of Applied Economics in the Economic Structure Department of the Universitat de València. His main research area of interest is in the ambit of International Trade. He has published in journals such as European Economic Review, Journal of Development Economics, Review of World Economics, Review of International Economics, The World Economy or Oxford Economic Papers, among others.


Five selected/recent publications:


  1. (2015) Regional export promotion offices and trade margins, S Gil-Pareja, R Llorca-Vivero, JA Martínez-Serrano, F Requena-Silvente, Review of World Economics 151 (1), 145-167.
  2. (2014) Do nonreciprocal preferential trade agreements increase beneficiaries' exports?, S Gil-Pareja, R Llorca-Vivero, JA Martínez-Serrano, Journal of Development Economics 107, 291-304.
  3. (2008) Terrorism and international tourism: New evidence, R Llorca‐Vivero, Defence and Peace Economics 19 (2), 169-188.
  4. (2008) Trade effects of monetary agreements: evidence for OECD countries, S Gil-Pareja, R Llorca-Vivero, JA Martínez-Serrano, European Economic Review 52 (4), 733-755.
  5. (2007) The effect of EMU on tourism, S Gil‐Pareja, R Llorca‐Vivero, JA Martínez‐Serrano, Review of International Economics 15 (2), 302-312.


PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
Coordinador/a Curs

(9638) 28356



El doctor Juan A. Máñez és llicenciat en Economia per la Universitat de València, és màster en Economia per la Universitat de Warwick i doctor en Economia per la Universitat de Warwick. En la actualitat és Catedràtic d’Economia Aplicada al Departament d’Estructura Econòmica de la Universitat de València i investigador associat de l’Institut de Comportament Econòmic i Social (ERI-CES) de la Universitat de València. La seva docència es centra en els camps d'Economia Internacional, Organització Industrial i Microeconometria. La seva línia principal d’investigació es l’anàlisi del paper del comercio i les activitats innovadores en els resultats de les empreses. També manté obertes altres línies d’investigació com l’anàlisi del paper de les activitats intangibles, supervivència de les empreses, decisions estratègiques i economia experimental. El seu treball d’investigació ha resultat en una sèrie de publicacions (43 publicacions científiques, de les cuals 32 estan en revistes JCR). Va participar en 31 projectes nacionals (6 d’ells com a líder d’equip) i 4 projectes internacionals (3 projectes de la UE i 1 projecte del Banc Mundial). Ha participat en entorn de 130 conferències i workshops nacionals i internacionals.

  1. Mañez, J.A., Mínguez, C., Rochina, M.E., Sanchis, J.A., 2019, Trading activities, productivity and markups: evidence from Spanish manufacturing, World Economy, DOI. 10.1111/twec.12892
  2. Mañez, J.A., Pérez-López, G., Prior, D. And J.L. Zafra-Gómez, 2016, Understanding the Dynamic Effect of Contracting Out on the Delivery of Local Public Services. Regional Studies, 50(12), 2069-2080.
  3. Manjón, M. and J.A. Mañez, 2016, Production function estimation in Stata using the Ackerberg–Caves–Frazer method. Stata Journal, 16(4), 1046-1059.
  4. Mañez, J.A., Rochina, M.E., Sanchis A. and Sanchis, J.A., 2009, The role of sunk in the decision to invest in R&D, Journal of Industrial Economics, 57(4), pp. 712-735.
  5. Mañez, J.A., 2006, Unbeatable Value low price guarantee: collusive mechanism or advertising strategy, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 15(1), pp. 143-166.


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(9638) 28776




PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
Director/a Titulacio Master Oficial

Dr. María E. Rochina Barrachina holds a PhD and a Master’s Degree in Economics, both from University College London (The University of London). At present, she is a Professor at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Valencia. She is also affiliated to the Interdisciplinary Research Network “Social and Economic Behaviour (ERI-CES)” from the University of Valencia. She teaches International Trade and Microeconometrics. Her main research interests are in the areas of applied microeconometrics, applied industrial organization, applied international economics, the analysis of firm dynamics in innovation and internationalization strategies, firm productivity, and entrepreneurship. Her work has been published in several scientific journals including Journal of Industrial Economics, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Oxford Economic Papers, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Industry and Innovation, Industrial and Corporate Change, The Econometrics Journal, Review of World Economics, World Economy, Small Business Economics, and Empirical Economics, among others. She has been involved in many national (Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology) and international projects (European Commission, BBVA foundation, and World Bank) and has attended around 150 national and international conferences and workshops. She has supervised 2 PhD Thesis and 18 Master Dissertations.

Five selected/recent publications:

  1. Máñez, J.A.; ROCHINA, M.E.; Sanchis, J.A. (2020): "Foreign sourcing and exporting", The World Economy, forthcoming.
  2. Beneito, P.; ROCHINA, M.E.; Sanchis A. (2017): “Competition and innovation with selective exit: an inverted-U shape relationship?”, Oxford Economic Papers, 69(4), 1032–1053.
  3. Beneito, P.; Coscollá, M.; ROCHINA, M.E.; Sanchis A. (2015) “Competitive Pressure and Innovation at the Firm Level”, Journal of Industrial Economics, 63(3), 422-457.
  4. Beneito, P.; ROCHINA, M.E.; Sanchis A. (2015): “The path of R&D efficiency over time”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 42, 57-69.
  5. Manjón, M.; Máñez, J.A.; ROCHINA, M.E.; Sanchis, J.A. (2013): “Reconsidering learning by exporting”, Review of World Economics, 149, 5-22.