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The students of the subject Engineering of Software 1 of the Degree in Computer Engineering organised a video contest

  • May 13th, 2019
The students of the subject Engineering of Software 1 of the Degree in Computer Engineering organised a video contest

The different teams of students have prepared a video explaining the details of the project they have developed in the subject. Each time role-played a company whose client was the professor of the subject, Silvia Rueda Pascual. They all had to develop the same program for the company TicketCine.

The different teams of students have prepared a video explaining the details of the project they have developed in the subject. Each time role-played a company whose client was the professor of the subject, Silvia Rueda Pascual. They all had to develop the same program for the company TicketCine.

With these videos, each group grants us their product and we would like for you to help us decide which group did a better job. Voting will be open until Friday 17th at 12pm, when we will check which video got the most “likes”. These votes will add to the internal voting amongst the members of the team and the professors of the subject.

In the end, the group whose video got the highest score in the three parts (30% YouTube, 30% students and 40% professors) will obtain a gift voucher of the Tenda of the Universitat for the amount of 100€, to be equally shared amongst the members, as well a 1 point on the final grade for each one of them.

Would you help us make this possible?

This initiative is framed within the educative innovative project “Desenvolupiament de Programari” from an industrial point of view, funded by the SFPIE of the Universitat de València.


List of the videos

Video Blue Forest

Video SubLimeTree

Video Melocotots S.L.

Video Violet Key

Video Indigo Engineers

Video Portal Orange

Video Red Peppers Development