The current Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering has been preceded by the former Universitat Politècnica de Valencia - specific degree “University Specialist in Management of Wastewater Treatment Plants”. This degree was organized by the Institute of Water and Environment Engineeringof the UPV, in which the teaching staff of the Department of Chemical Engineering of the University of Valencia collaborated actively.
Under the RD 56/2005 of 21 January, which regulates the official university postgraduate studies, a Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering was proposed, which collected the contents of the UPV-specific degree of University Specialist in Management of Wastewater Treatment Plants, and other areas that are under study in environmental engineering (air pollution, waste management, soil contamination...) were incorporated. From the very beginning it was considered that the close cooperation at teaching and research level between the UV and UPV will be a unique asset when starting the degree, by making it possible to have professors renowned in their specialization. That is, the fact that it is an interuniversity master’s degree makes easier to join efforts and resources of both institutions.
This Degree began to be given in the academic year 2006-2007. Since then, there have been some changes in order to adapt the studies to the new regulatory framework established in the Decree of 29 October 1393/2007 and amendments incorporated into the RD 861/2010 of 2 July.