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  1. Calendar
  2. Procedure
  3. Online enrolment
  4. Internships involving regular contact with minors
  5. Legislations


The Office of the Vice-Principal of Studies and Language Policy has established two regular enrolment periods for the academic year 2024-2025:

A) New students:

Before carrying out the registration, you must be in the following situation:

  1. You must have sent a pre-enrolment application, within the specified time limits, and in accordance with the established criteria.
  2. You  must have been admitted in a Master’s Degree

The enrolment periods are:


From 15 July at 12h to 22 July 2024. Online enrolment of new students who were granted access to a master’s degree course in the admission process settled on 12 July 2024, who have accredited that they hold a Bachelor's degree or equivalent that gives access to Master’s Degree.

19 and 22 July. Online enrolment only for students admitted in master's  degrees with prior appointment registration: MD in Secondary Education Teacher Training .

22 de July. Online enrolment only for students admitted in master's  degrees with prior appointment registration: MD in Law Practice and Procurement, MD in General Health Psychology, MD in Experimental Techniques in Chemistry & MD in Social Work.

For master’s programs with scheduled appointments, the appointment time can be checked the day before it starts on the Services Portal

25 and 26 July 2024. On-site enrolment, at the corresponding school, of new students who were offered a place in the call from the waiting list on 24 July 2024, who have accredited before July 19th that they hold a Bachelor's degree or equivalent that gives access to Master’s Degree.

From 29 to 31 July 2024. On-site enrolment, at the corresponding school, of new students who were offered a place by waiting list telephone calls and, if applicable, enrolment of applicants with pending studies.


18 and 19 September 2024. Online enrolment of new students who were granted access to a master’s degree course in the admission process settled on 17 September 2024, who have accredited that they hold a Bachelor's degree or equivalent that gives access to Master’s Degree.

From 20 to 27 September 2024. Online enrolment of new students who were were offered a place by waiting list telephone calls and, if applicable, enrolment of applicants with pending studies.


B) The students who have already enrolled in previous years can enrol during any of these two periods.

  1. Procedure

Enrolment in a master’s degree is managed by the faculty or school offering the course. Thus, for solving any issues regarding enrolment, applicants must contact the corresponding office of the secretary. 

Table Masters Center

Acceptance of enrolment applications is subject to the verification of the details provided by applicants. Enrolment will be cancelled if the verification process reveals falsehood, concealment of data or any other circumstance proving that the candidate does not meet the requirements for accessing or continuing master’s degree studies.

  1. Online enrolment information

The enrolment has to be formalised through a computer application that enables students to carry out all the administrative procedures to formalise the enrolment for this academic year.

Before filling out the registration, you will have to obtain credentials (username and password) to access the different services that the UV offers you.

  1. Internships involving regular contact with minors.  

In compliance with Spanish Law 26/2015, of 28 July, amending the system for the protection of children and adolescents, students who wish or have to undertake internships involving regular contact with minors are required to provide, upon request, a clearance certificate from the Spanish registry of sex offenders issued by the Ministry of Justice. Click here for further information.

To do delivery of the necessary documentation for the realisation of practices with minors, press here.

  1.  Legislations