The School of Engineering (ETSE) has been operating in its current building since September 2011. The ETSE is located in the Burjassot Campus, 6 Km from Valencia city centre. It has all the infrastructure and equipment necessary for the development of the training activities of the Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering.
Facilities of the School of Engineering
The new School of Engineering has make it possible to gather in one building all the spaces where the technical degrees of the UV have been taught. It has the most modern facilities to serve the students of all the Undergraduate Degrees in Engineering of this university, as well as the master’s degrees.
Clearly, the new building substantially improves the teaching spaces for all engineering studies of the UV. In any case, for the implementation of the new degrees, the resources already available in the UV must be taken into account. It should not be forgotten that the UV has been teaching the Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from 2006/07:
Summary of the facilities in the new building of the ETSE
The new building substantially increases the provision of spaces for all degrees of the centre. Then, there is a summary of the available facilities (departmental spaces are not considered, only the common areas of the centre):
Type of room |
Specialised spaces |
Area (m2) |
Administration |
11 |
345 |
Reading room and book depository |
2 |
820 |
Study rooms |
8 |
110 |
Assembly Hall |
1 |
214 |
Meeting Rooms |
5 |
300 |
Delegation and student associations |
6 |
132 |
Teaching laboratories |
59 |
5,800 |
Theory classrooms |
18 |
2,000 |
Thus, the set of courses taught in the ETSE, including the Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering, have enough spaces to address teaching. In addition, new laboratories have an area larger than those used up to the 2011/2012 academic year, so, the space available per student has also been increased.
This increase in space encourages greater schedule flexibility, since the problems of a simultaneous use of laboratory or classroom are reduced. It also allows the development of seminars, group tutorials and, in general, activities related with new teaching and learning methodologies.
Furthermore, the improvement of facilities is significant since spaces and services that were widely dispersed and shared with other centres of the campus are provided in the building itself.
Specifically, the Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering has assigned the following facilities:
* Teaching laboratories: The Department of Chemical Engineering has specific laboratories, including the Environmental Technologies Laboratory, equipped with everything needed to perform practises related to the field of environmental engineering. Furthermore, the available equipment is also used for the development of science-based Master’s degree final projects.
* Theory classrooms: Currently, the ETSE assigns to the Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering a classroom located in Module 4, with capacity for 64 students.
Apart from this, the ETSE has the following equipment available for the master’s degree, if necessary:
* Sala de Grados. Added to the Assembly Hall at the Library of the Burjassot Campus, there is a Sala de Grados of 214 m2.
*The ETSE also has computer rooms available. All computer rooms have all necessary software resources. Academic partnerships with leading IT companies have been signed, for providing our students all the tools necessary. Thus, the university have signed agreements with the following companies:
Microsoft (operating systems and development tools)
- Matlab
- Mathcad
- Polymath
- ASPEN: University Package for Process Engineering
All the spaces mentioned are equipped with support infrastructure that includes:
Projection screen
- Video projector
- Computer for the professor
- Slide projector
- Network connection, both wired and wireless (Eduroam network).
- Audio system (only in theory rooms and in the assembly hall).
Additionally, the Universitat de València provides an e-learning platform, Virtual Classroom, which offers virtual group spaces as a way of support for face-to-face teaching. The platform allows the management of activity deliver, questionnaire filling, document sharing, discussion forums, e-mail notifications and customised and group calendars, among other options.
Thus, the current facilities and materials will allow to properly teach the Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering.
The Burjassot Campus has a general library, the Library ‘Eduard Boscà’, which renders service to the six Centers at the Campus. The Library of the Burjassot Campus has several reading rooms in the Library building, and an additional room in the building that currently houses the ETSE, open to students and users. It also has restricted access rooms for teaching staff, researchers and doctoral students. In total, the Library has 1030 reading points. Moreover, the Library has an assembly hall (133 seats) which is mainly uses as conference room and fitted it with public address systems, video and slides projectors and blackboard. The library remains open 24 hours during the exams period.
The fonds catalogue available at the Library may be consulted in the computer, there existing terminals for this use within the Library. Additionally, the Library has an inter-library loan service which allows obtaining books and magazine articles from other libraries’ fonds in a reasonable time period. The Universitat de València, and more specifically the School of Engineering, is conscious that the degree’s success depends greatly on the Library’s available books for consultation. The mechanism for the funding of bibliographical funds within the School of Engineering includes a budget by the UV and a complementary one for the centre. The distribution of the budgets is done independently for each of the centre’s degrees depending on the parameters related to the number of students and credits enrolled in each one.
Funding and maintenance of material resources for teaching
The Universitat de València has a series of renovation and widening programmes for both teaching materials and facilities and for the support of teaching. On the one hand, there currently is a call for the improvement Porgramme and teaching comfort, addressed to the renewal and/or addition of room elements. On the other hand, there is a call for teaching Labs, both for the replacement of material and the creation of new spaces. The Information Systems Service of the Universitat de València also has a renewal programme for computer equipment in computer rooms within all the centres, so- following steps- all the material is substituted every three years (more or less). Additionally, the School of Engineering spends part of the budget in the renovation and replacement of teaching materials. Other centers such as the library also have their own calls and mechanisms for the conservation of the facilities and for buying new materials.
Accessing criteria
The UVEG has been a pioneer in the development of measures to integrate people with disabilities. The UV facilities generally meet accessibility criteria for people with disabilities and, obviously, also with the resources addressed to the study of Chemical Engineering.
The UV counts with a Unit for the Integration of People with Disabilities and a University Council for Students with Disabilities, which drives synergistic actions between different areas and services of the University that affect, directly or indirectly, accessibility issues, psycho-educational and academic counselling equal opportunities, etc.. for disabled persons belonging to the university community (students, PDI and PAS). The Delegation develops various programmes to promote accessibility of the resources of the UVEG:
- Physical accessibility, which is in collaboration with the Technical Unit, Maintenance Service and the Department for Infrastructure in order to eliminate architectural barriers in buildings, mainly the older ones. You may access a basic guide for accessibility to University buildings and services.
Electronic accessibility, in collaboration with the Office of the Vice-principal for ICT and the Computer Service of the University of Valencia, which has implemented the necessary measures for our website and the services provided through it, being accessible to the entire population.
In this section, the provision of equipment and infrastructure of the Higher Technical School of Civil, Channels and Ports Engineering (ETSICCP) of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) is described in order to highlight that the key services and material resources available are adequate to ensure the development of the training activities planned for the proposed title.
Resources, materials and services available in the ETSICCP are complemented by an extensive range of shared facilities, general services, tools and action plans offered by the UPV to the university community. In that regard, it is worth mentioning the General Library, the Student Recreation Centre, the Institute of Educational Sciences, the sport facilities, the Integrated Employment Service, the health offices, etc., as well as the PoliformaT learning platform, which supports face-to-face and on-line teaching, and the teaching equipment plans that are convened annually by the UPV.
Therefore, in addition to the resources, materials and services available in the ETSICCP, in this section we include the resources, services and action plans available in the UPV more related to the development of the training activities in the ETSICCP. For more information on the other resources and services of the UPV refer to http://www.upv.es.
Facilities of the Higher Technical School of Civil, Channels and Ports Engineering
Different physical spaces available for the development of teaching in the ETSICCP are described in this section. Regular classrooms, computer classrooms and teaching laboratories for practical classes are included.
* Teaching laboratories: The ETSICCP has several teaching laboratories for the master’s degrees. Specifically, the laboratories of Water Pollution and Sanitary Engineering are used by this master’s degree.
Both the Department of Hydraulic Engineering and Environment, and the Department of Biotechnology have specific laboratories for the development of practices of all their subjects.
* Theory classrooms: The provision of equipment available in the various ordinary classrooms of ETSICCP is as follows:
Traditional board.
Computer to be used by the professor (Pentium IV Quad Core T9450. 4GB RAM memory. 250 Gb Hard Disk. DVD reader. 17” TFT Monitor. Operating system: Windows XP sp3. Keyboard with cryptographic card reader).
Network connection.
Screen with electric drive.
Loudspeaker system.
DVD/VHS player.
Auxiliary jack for connecting a second computer or video device
Overhead projector.
Air conditioning.
Blackout curtains.
At present, the ETSICCP offers two classrooms with a capacity of 160 students each for the Master’s in Environmental Engineering. Apart from these, the ETSICCP has over 24 classrooms distributed between the different buildings that make up the school.
In addition to theory classrooms and laboratories, the ETSICCP has the spaces detailed below.
*Assembly Hall. The ETSICCP has an assembly hall and two Salón de Grados.
* Computer rooms: The ETSICCP has 7 fully equipped computer rooms. The computers are provided with the necessary software for the teaching of classes of the Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering:
Microsoft (operating systems and development tools)
- Matlab
- Mathcad
- Polymath
- Rhyhab
The General Library of the UPV is responsible for providing and managing the documentation and bibliographical information needed to support study, teaching and research of the university community, being one of its main objectives to become a Resource Centre for Learning and Research.
Currently, the General Library is equipped with an essential infrastructure and equipment for performing its main task of supporting study, teaching and research of the University Community. It has its central office in the Vera Campus, more offices in the Campuses of Alcoy, Gandía, and Blasco Ibañez in Valencia, and various libraries of free access in the Schools (one in the ETSICCP-see next section).
Most of the bibliographic holdings of the UPV, the newspapers and periodicals library, and the cataloguing, acquisition and new technologies services are centralised at the headquarters of the General Library. It is located in one the adjacent buildings to the ETSICCP and has an area of nearly 7000m2. It is also equipped with more than 1,600 places for study and has 18 study cabins. Its opening hours are extensive, including weekends and almost all bank holidays, and during exam periods it remains open until 3 o’clock in the morning.
To meet the needs of users, the library service of the UPV is endowed with a staff of over 100 professionals. It has 174 computers available for use by the general public, through which, you can access all online services that the library offers: renewals, loan consultations, waiting lists, access to electronic resources, etc.
The bibliographic holdings in paper form, mostly of open access, is composed of almost half a million volumes, divided between different offices, and over 600 periodicals. The library collection in digital format, including all electronic resources subscribed by the UPV’s library (most of them with accessible full text), exceeds 80,000 monographs, 15,000 periodicals and 80 specialised databases.
Documentation Service of the ETSICCP
The Documentation Service of the ETSICCP, located in Building 1 -Module 4I- 2nd floor, occupies an area of about 405 m². The office hours are 08:00 - 21:00, from Monday to Friday.
The following reference material is currently available.
8,661 Books (monographs and literature). There are also copies in electronic format. From this collection, 3100 belong to undergraduate final projects that have joined the library catalogue in both paper and electronic format.
250 Videos.
Online access to the mapping of the IGME. In addition, the digitised maps of this organism are part of the collection.
200 CD-ROMS.
200 Undergraduate final projects in paper form
1100 Undergraduate final projects in digital format
The collection is continuously growing. The requests are made through the library staff advised by the professors of the subjects, but at the same time, both the teaching staff of the departments and students themselves can make requests in their personal capacity.
The following infrastructure is available to consult the material:
120 reading points.
4 audio-visual access points (TV+video).
2 Multimedia access points (Computer with DVD reader).
o Standards.
o Databases
o Full Text Documents.
o Access to Digital Library
o Internet Resources.
5 access points to the Bibliographic Catalogue (OPAC)
A bibliographic material lending service is offered, except for the final projects, of which only the consultation is allowed in the room, as long as the authors had authorised it.
Study rooms: In addition to the hall for the Documentation Service, the ETSICCP has a study room for use by students. It is located in Building 2 and can accommodate 100 students.
Acquisition forecasting
The UPV’s annual programmes of regular teaching equipment allow the maintenance, replacement and acquisition of the material resources needed for the teaching activity. Moreover, under the annual extraordinary teaching equipment programmes, the UPV attend to the endowment of resources resulting from new teaching needs (adaptation to new technologies, introduction of new active methodologies, creation of new laboratories, overall allocation to newly established degrees, ...).
In this regard, the needs concerning material resource endowment that may arise due to the obsolescence of current means (and in accordance with the teaching planning derived from the implementation process of new curricula) will be subject to the corresponding projects-request that the ETSICCP formulates in the different calls for equipment plans promoted by the UPV.
Finally, it should be noted thata new building is in draft form, to be attached to the module 4I and which will expand and improve the spaces and resources offered by the ETSICCP to ensure the development of the training activities.
Ultimately, it is noteworthy that this degree has a mobile computer classroomprovided with 20 laptops that can be installed in any classroom and, thus, provide working autonomy for four hours.
Funding and maintenance of teaching material resources
The UPV, through the budgetary allocations for Teaching Equipment, included in its annual budget, finances the maintenance, renewal and expansion of the teaching materials, teaching support equipment and teaching teams. Meanwhile, schools and colleges, also through their budgets, are responsible for the maintenance, improvement and expansion, if necessary, of the spaces used in the teaching of the various degrees.
Accessibility criteria
In the same way that the UVEG, the UPV develops measures to integrate people with disabilities. The UPV facilities generally meet accessibility criteria for people with disabilities and, obviously, also the resources addressed to the study of the Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering.
The UPV has the CEDATO Foundation, under the Office of the Vice-Principal for Social Affairs and Corporate Social Responsibility, which provides information and advice to members of the university community with disabilities, as well as assistance and support in the classroom. The foundation provides technical assistance for the study to those students who, because of their special educational needs, so they require. It promotes and manages training and employment actions for this group, within and outside the campuses of the UPV, and it provides various services from its Special Employment Centre. Likewise, projects for the removal of architectural and urban barriers are carried out, as well as Comprehensive Plans of Accessibility, accessibility audits, project review and advice, and also design of ideal models. (www.fundacioncedat.org)