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Is the master's degree in environmental and territory management techniques an official Master's degree?
Yes. The master's degree is accredited by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and accreditation (ANECA) and is official, producing full effects both in Spain and abroad. It therefore enables access to doctorates in the whole of the European Higher Education area.

Who can attend the master's degree?
The thematic that this Master raises has a clearly interdisciplinary character and aims to provide the society with a new profile of specialists in territorial and environmental management, whose theoretical/practical baggage allows them to solve with solvency the Problems that may arise.
This is why it is aimed at anyone who has a degree or university degree in the following areas: geography, biological Sciences, environmental sciences, architecture, engineering, Eco-economy, sociology, tourism and others with a similar profile.

What are the necessary access requirements and documentation?
The necessary information on requirements and admissions process is available here:

What is the schedule and procedure for applying for admission?
There are two phases for applying for admissions: February to June and July to September. The pre-inscription in the master is entirely on-line through the platform created for the purpose by the Universitat de Valéncia. At the end of each phase, the list of admitted students is published and the registration is activated, which can also be done on line. You can find the specific dates and the procedure in this link:

Is it necessary to have completed the undergraduate or undergraduate studies to apply for admission?
The student who finishes the access to the master's degree in the present academic year 2018-2019, may pre-register, although at the time of submission of his application he has not completed such studies.
The non-accreditation of the status of titled/A and/or, if any, of the specific language requirements before 23:59 H. Of September 30, will carry the annulment of the license plate. In order to certify compliance with these requirements, the relevant supporting documents will have to be attached to the application from "My Personal site" of the electronic headquarters.

Does the master's degree permit direct access to a doctoral program?
Yes. The master program allows to apply directly for admission to the Doctorate programme "Geography and History of the Western Mediterranean from prehistory to the modern age" of the University of Valencia, where graduates of the master's degree have preference. It also allows access to other doctorates from the University of Valencia or universities of the countries of the European Higher Education Area

What is the price of the master?
As an official Master's degree, the price is set annually by the Government of the Generalitat Valenciana. In the course 2018-2019, the price is €39.27 per credit. This means a total of €2,356.20. In the case of students whose title comes from a country outside the European higher Education area, a fee of €154 should be paid for file management. This rate is paid only once.

Are there scholarships and grants?
There is information about aid to the postgraduate study on the following page:
The University of Valencia annually convenes scholarships and grants for the realization of masters aimed at students from priority countries of the cooperation: full scholarships Luis vives, tuition scholarships Luisa Cardona, and residency scholarships in residences University. In the following address you can find information about these and other aids:
The list of countries whose nationals may be eligible for the latter is here:

Can I take the master's degree at a distance or on a semi-present basis?
No. The master is in person. The school period is from October to July. The classes are taught from October to March, both included. Subsequently, internships are carried out in companies and the end of Master's work, under the direction of a tutor. It is possible to defend the end-of-master's work on-line if requested by the student.

In what language are the classes taught?
Classes are taught in Spanish (Castilian). In the case of non-Spanish-speaking foreign students, the Academic Commission may require during the admission process the conduct of a personal interview or by Skype to verify the correct follow-up of the classes by the student.

In which companies are the practices carried out?
The practices are carried out in companies and administrations linked to the environmental and territorial management. In this section of the website you can find links to some of the companies that have offered internships in recent years.

What is the master's schedule and schedule?
Classes are from Monday to Thursday from 16 to 20 hours from October to March, both inclusive. The seminars are on Friday afternoons. From April to June, the internship and the master's thesis are carried out. In the next section of the Web you will find information about the timetable of the next course.

The university has a student service that supports our students in all areas.
The University of Valencia makes available to students its infrastructure of higher schools and university residences.