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Seminario de Investigación de Mercados - ¿Cómo reaccionan consumidores ante información CSR ambivalente?

  • 23 marzo de 2016

Jueves, 7 de abril, el iMBA y la Facultad de Economía de la UV acogerán un seminario sobre la sensibilidad de consumidores al CSR en la venta al por menor.

Siguiendo el Seminario en Marketing Administrativo organizado hace unas semanas, el Máster en Gestión de Negocios Internacionales (iMBA) acogerá una nueva conferencia poco después de las vacaciones de Pascua.

El seminario, enfocado hacia la Investigación de Mercados, se titula «Corporate Social Responsibility and Irresponsibility: How do Consumers React to Ambivalent CSR Information? Application in the Retailing Sector». Liderando el seminario, estará Valérie Swaen, profesora de Marketing y Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (CSR) en la Louvain School of Management (Universidad Católica de Lovaina, Bélgica) y en el IESEG School of Management (Francia).

El seminario se celebrará el 7 de abril en la Sala Villalonga (1er piso de la Facultad de Economía), desde las 13:00 hasta aproximadamente las 14:15.

Estudiantes de posgrado de Marketing, doctorandos, estudiantes de grado de último curso y profesores que deseen asistir deberán registrarse antes a través de imba@uv.es. El número de asientos disponibles es limitado.


Abstract del seminario:

Consumers appear to be particularly sensitive to corporate social responsibility (CSR), which can be broadly conceptualized as companies’ status and activities with regards to their perceived societal obligations. The CSR movement has spawned a veritable flurry of communication activities to manage perceptions of corporate social responsibility to society. Yet at the same time, the world has witnessed some of the greatest cases of seemingly corporate irresponsibility (CSI) with environmental disasters such as the BP oil disaster, huge human abuses in some parts of the world, such as illustrated in the Rana Plaza case, and more recently the VW’s ongoing emissions scandal. Quite surprisingly, irresponsible corporate activities have received limited attention in the CSR literature until recently. In this context, the main purpose of this research project is to explore how consumers’ corporate responsibility and irresponsibility perceptions about their main food retailer interrelate to impact consumers’ value perceptions and consumer-based brand equity.

Bio de la profesora Swaen (English):

Valérie Swaen has a PhD in Management Science from the Université catholique de Louvain and she is Professor of Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at the Louvain School of Management (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium) and at IESEG School of Management (France). She studied corporate social responsibility from different fields of management (marketing, organizational behavior, strategy, leadership, and accounting), but her main research interest concerns stakeholders’ reactions to CSR communication. She has published academic papers in international journals such as Marketing Letters, Journal of Business Ethics, International Journal of Management Reviews, and Management Accounting Research, among others. She has also contributed to the edition of various special issues of international journals on the topic of CSR. She is the deputee director of the CCMS ("Center of Excellence on Consumers, Markets and Society") and the head of the Louvain CSR Network of the Louvain School of Management. She holds or has held different Chairs in CSR (for Belgacom, GDF SUEZ and the Philippe de Woot Award for the best Master thesis related to CSR).

Related working paper – Using infomercials to communicate about CSR: A way to enhance credibility?


CSR Seminar