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  1. History and Historiography of Spanish Language. Advanced studies of the different constitutive periods of Spanish language's history in the graphemic and grammatical aspects, with special interest on the field of Spanish phraseological diachrony, area including all the rest and which provides a complete education of the History of Spanish Language.
  2. Varieties and usages of Spanish. Advanced studies of Spanish language's linguistic variation in Spain and/or in America (variations associated with age, geography and gender), Spanish studies in contact with other languages. Study of the historic education of the Spanish language when contacting with other languages and peninsular modalities through their mutual periodization.
  3. Spanish with specific aims. Advanced linguistic studies and their application to specific aims (applied linguistic): Spanish as mother tongue, Spanish as foreign language, legal Spanish, Spanish language in the media, linguistic counseling studies, etc.
  4. Pragmatics and spoken Spanish. Advanced theoretical studies of the spoken language, study and analysis of the Spanish colloquial conversation, oral discourse and courtesy in Spanish, applied pragmatics.
  5. Semantics, Lexicography and Lexicology of Spanish language. Advanced studies of Spanish lexicon and its structure, as well as the lexicographical bibliography production, current methodologies and lexicographical technique aspects within the Hispanic field (Spain and America).
  6. Spanish grammar. Descriptive and interpretative studies of diverse Spanish grammar aspects nowadays and the metalinguistic consideration, with special attention to grammatical and normative changes,  problematic phenomena, linguistic hesitations, as well as to new advances in linguistic methodology.
  7. Spanish Phonetics and Phonology. Advanced studies on the Spanish phonetic and phonological units, their evolution, variation, and review of the current analysis methods.
  8. Medieval Literature. Advanced studies of medieval works and authors, as well as of thinking, discourses and artistic and cultural trends which have strengthened  the medieval literary practice.
  9. Literature of the Spanish Golden Age. Advanced studies of authors and works, as well as thinking, discourses and artistic and cultural trendswhich have strengthened the Spanish Golden Age literary practice.
  10. Modern and Contemporary Literature. Advanced studies of modern and contemporary works and canonical authors and the literary modernity development, its cultural contexts and discourses that take part in its configuration and transformations.
  11. Latin-American Literature: advanced studies of Latin-American authors and works, as well as of critical thinking and historiographical essay, in relation to the national and continental identity configuration, the social processes, other cultural productions, etc.
  12. Drama: history, theory and dramatic practice. Study of dramatic texts from the authors characterization and periods, their function and the generic features that characterise them, in their historic and social context. Analysis of used techniques for the dramatic writing, as well as the resources and applied techniques to other fields' usage, such as television or cinematographic scripts.
  13. Literature and Drama: compared studies. Advanced studies of the relations between literary and drama production through the years.
  14. Gender, literature and women's writing: advanced studies of the relations between writing, subjetivity and strategies of literature produced by women, within the review frame of gender concept, in its implications with the literary theory and cultural critique, and the political fight lead by this collective.
  15. Literature and drama nowadays. Analysis of current dramatic texts and documentation related to work's shape and contents. Elaboration of dramatic project's designs for representation.
  16. Literary and dramatic texts' edition and new technologies. Advanced studies on text edition aspects (critical edition, genetic edition), their history, the textual critique proceedings for a text's edition in different formats. Knowledge and usage of archives, libraries, databases and Spanish bibliographical heritage information systems.