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Investigadores de la Unitat de Recerca Psicobiologia de les Drogodependències (INVESDROGA) i alumnes del Màster presenten els seus treballs en el “1er Congrés d'estudiants de Doctorat i Post doc” que amb el títol “Construint la neurociència, el futur d'un camp multidisciplinari” organitza l'Institut de Neurociències d'Alacant, els dies 18 i 19 de febrer de 2016.

Posters presentats:

“Role Of Ampa Receptors In The Long-Term Effects Of Repeated Social Defeat On The Cocaine Conditioned Reinforcement”. Autores: Mateos-García A, Cambra-Benitez MP, Navarro-Francés CI, Manzanedo C, Arenas MC, Miñarro J.

“Implication Of The Nitric Oxide Way In The Long-Term Effects Of Repeated Social Defeat On Locomotor Sensitization Induced By Cocaine”. Autores: Cambra-Benitez MP, Navarro-Francés CI, Mateos-García A, Arenas MC, Manzanedo C, Miñarro J.

"Role of dopamine receptors on the effects that acute social defeat stress produce on cocaineinduced conditioned place preference". Autores: Marina D Reguilón, Sandra Montagud-Romero, Carmen Ferrer Pérez, María A Aguilar, José Miñarro, Marta Rodríguez-Arias.

"Withdrawal after a continuous or intermittent access to a high-fat diet during adolescence: Effects on anxiety".  Autores: M.C. Blanco-Gandía, S. Montagud-Romero, García-Pardo MP, J. Miñarro, M. Rodríguez-Arias

"Effects of repeated social defeat stress on locomotor sensitization induced by cocaine: role of CRF1 receptors". Autores: Ferrer-Pérez C, Reguilón, MD, Escrivá-Martínez T, Miñarro J, Rodríguez-Arias M.

"An ethological study of the strain differences in aggressive behavior using the resident intruder paradigm". Autores: S Montagud-Romero, MC Blanco-Gandía, MP García-Pardo, T Escrivá-Martínez, J Miñarro, and M Rodríguez-Arias.

"Role of AMPA receptors in the conditioned rewarding effects of MDMA". Autores: Garcia-Pardo M.P., Montagud-Romero S., Blanco-Gandia M.C., Miñarro J., Aguilar M.A