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  • Literary Digitalization

    13 september 2016

    If we seek for the opposite of macro-literature, as a consequence of the works written by Franco Moretti, we are facing philology or close reading. The author defended a comparative reading of international literature in which the microscopic (figures, poems, books or concrete authors) would have littler importance compared to the macroscopic (genres or number of translations). However, over 15 years have passed since Moretti’s works were published and the process of digitisation is unstoppable. Big Data “has changed our way of understanding the world”, just as Jorge Carrión explained in his article “Literature and big data”, published by La Vanguardia. 

  • una mano y un ordenador

    Literature and its relationship with ICT

    21 july 2016

    Internet provides new objectives to literature education, given that we cannot deny the presence of literature in the web or the new ways of digital reading. In fact, this tools are contributed to promote the understanding of two texts, at the same time that they provide multimedia tools and resources for its production, as well as for its possible publication. 

  • Estudiantes Universitarios

    Educating “citizens” of the written culture

    8 july 2016

    In the field of linguistics, grammar is defined as an organized amalgam of knowledge about the system of language. Each theory has its own conceptual structure in accordance with its own epistemological premises which lay the foundation for the entire theoretical, methodological and analytical construct. This is what María Cecilla Gaiser writes in her study “Notes about linguistic theories, their grammatical postulates and their influence on teaching” published in 2011. 

  • Un libro abierto con un boli

    Changes in Didactics: From “Teaching Literature” to “Literary Education”

    30 june 2016

    Literature didactics as an area for reflection has been created in the last decades, according to Teresa Colomer in her study: “La didáctica de la Literatura: temas y líneas de investigación e innovación” (Didactics in Literature: innovation and investigation topics and lines). 

  • Linguistic synchrony and diachrony, according to Saussure and Lyons

    17 june 2016

    Swiss academic born in 1857 is considered to be the father of modern language studies, while the British born in 1932 developped Semantics. However, both basic studies have contributed to a better understanding of language structures humans use to communicate

  • La Biblioteca Valenciana homenajea a las mujeres que sufrieron el exilio intelectual

    7 march 2016

    La muestra permite acercarse al mundo de dos mujeres fundamentales en nuestra historia, que sufrieron los cambios y problemas que conllevó la vida durante la Guerra Civil y el exilio posterior.

  • Los idiomas del futuro

    10 february 2016

    En un entorno globalizado, la mayoría busca una lengua con proyección y prestigio internacional. Sin embargo, no resulta una sencilla tarea determinar cuáles son los idiomas con más futuro.