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  • Ability for managing articles, scientific documents and legal sources (legal, jurisprudential and doctrinal) and ethics around nutrition, food and career.
  • Ability for setting questions (objectives and hypothesis) of research in human food and nutrition.
  • Designing methodological strategies for answering to questions on research.
  • Carrying out the global sequence (design, execution and analysis) for the quantitative and statistic study of the research outcomes.
  • Elaborating dietary management adapted to every physiologic situation and/or pathologic and/or community.
  • Teaching the methodology of evidence-based nutrition.
  • Analysing the commercialised nutraceuticals with potential customised usefulness.
  • Introducing the student with key elements in the comprehension of the food and nutrition policies and its context.
  • Knowing the relation between development of policies and health, food and nutrition, its building, formulating and implementing and analysing critically the current policies in problem-solving.
  • Developing skills for the planning of intervention programmes with a participative focus of the community.
  • Capacity for the development of culinary technology adapted to customised and community nutritional therapies.
  • Developing and writing the results and/or publishing scientific works on nutrition.
  • Fostering entrepreneurship, the development of patents and of know-how in the field of nutrition and/or food.
  • Valuating the importance of collective restoration for achieving healthy gastronomy and the development of food culture in the recovering of culinary traditions and food patterns.
  • Identifying, organising and elaborating cooperation projects for development in the field of nutrition and health.
  • Knowing how to design dietary therapeutic care and hospital nutrition unit.
  • Knowing the strategies, tools and social media plans, food marketing and information and communication technologies (TIC) for the development of dietetic activity.
  • Knowing the regulations on food information, its publicity and selling strategies.
  • Knowing the most adequate strategies for nutritional education.
  • Studying anatomic points, proportionality and corporal composition within the frame of cineanthropometry and anthropometry.
  • Planning interventional strategies to hydrate.
  • Planning diet intervention strategies for sporting disciplines.
  • Knowing the different ergogenic aids.
  • Knowing and applying the acquired knowledge and competences within the professional field in nutrition and diet.
  • Acquiring the knowledge which allows to act respecting the fundamental rights and equality principles.