University of Valencia logo Logo Master's Degree in Personal and Community Nutrition Logo del portal

Degree number of credits: 60

Compulsory credits: 30

Elective credits: 15

Final project: 15

Degree code: 2194

Years: 1

Teaching type: Presencial

Knowledge branch: HEALTH SCIENCES

Master degree website:

Places available for new students: 40

Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 36

Price per credit
[2024-2025 academic year]:

Management Centre: Faculty of Pharmacy

Languages used in class: Spanish

Participating Universities: University of Valencia

Academic Coordinating Committee: Jose Miguel Soriano del Castillo (Co-Director)
Carla Soler Quiles (Co-Directora)
Ana Frígola Cánoves
Amparo Alegría Torán
Houda Berrada Ramdani
Pilar Gómez Arce (PAS)

Academic, scientific or professional interest: The specialisation in Nutrition means an option of great interest and immediate application, considering the clear implications that has in the practice of the profession in the area of Health with special focus on individuals and specific groups: newborn, children, aging, sports, pregnancy and nutrition disorders, among others, which the health system will assume or is assuming, by different professionals; including Dieticians-Nutrionists, pharmacists, and other doctors. The White Paper of Health Professions in Catalonia states that it is expected an increase in the need of nutritional advice in the area of primary health care, both in hospitals and in social healthcare centres, this prediction is applicable to all Spanish regions, including the Valencian Community. The Order 66/2004, which establishes the Guidelines for the Preparation of the Comprehensive Plan for Obesity, Nutrition and Physical Activity (BOE 22-1-2004), and which contains the interventions of the health departments of the autonomous communities, will cause in its future deployment the need of dietitians-nutritionists and other health professionals. In the hospital sector, the World Health Organisation established in its 10th World Health Assembly (WHA) of 1974, and subsequently reasserted it in 1982, that all regional hospitals (600-850 beds) and medium hospitals (70-150 beds) must have dieticians-nutritionists and that they must also be in a proportion of one dietician-nutritionist for every fifty patients. Simultaneously, the international trend in the organisation of clinical nutrition focuses on multidisciplinary teams, composed by doctors, pharmacists, nurses and dietitians, with positive clinical and economic results. If we add to this the incorporation of these professionals in the fields of sports, development cooperation, public and community health, and in the social and health centres and in geriatric centres, this fact make us to see the need of a specialised training that the Master’s can offers, being the first one in Spain that tries to cover all the professional possibilities of this group, in its applicability at personal and community level. The Master’s Degree offered has two training advantages; first, our university leads in Spain the healthcare training with practices with patients through the Nutritional Clinic of the Lluís Alcanyís-University of Valencia Foundation, the first of its kind at national level; second, we lead in Spain, the educational training based on Information Technology and Communication (ICT) applied to nutrition, dietetics and diet therapy with teaching materials prepared by the Call for Educational Innovation of the UV.

PhD programme linked to this Master’s programme: Food Science

Pre-enrolment information: Student Information Service

Academic information: