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Training activity carried out by the students and supervised by a tutor from the company or institution where it takes place and by an academic tutor from the Universitat de València. It is voluntary and must be managed by the student.​.

Information on the Website of ADEIT (Fundación Universidad-Empresa. Universitat de València)

Maximum duration of internship: 900 hours per academic year and degree


Students must send, duly completed,

to and a copy to (Master's Degree in Physiology).

IMPORTANT: send the documentation at least 45 days before the start of the internship

  • ADEIT sends the student and tutors the External academic internship agreement (with the data collected in the External Internship Register), which establishes the conditions of the collaboration between the Universitat de València and the company or entity.

The internship can start from the date specified in the agreement. The general development of the internship is as follows:

  1. Completion of the internship during the period established in the agreement.
  2. Once completed, the student writes the final Report, which he/she will present both to his/her company tutors and to his/her university tutor.
  3. Company tutors fill in the evaluation report on the website provided by ADEIT by e-mail and, afterwards, they will receive the tutoring certificate.
  4. At the end of the internship period, the student must request a Certificate of Internship from the company or institution's tutor, expressly mentioning the speciality of the training, its duration and, if applicable, their performance.

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