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Assessment system (or systems) to be used to assess the results achieved in the learning through the module, and grading scale according to the legislation in force

The assessment of the work placements will be done taking into account:

  • Assessment-report by the tutor of the placements in the company (professional).
  • Continual assessment by the academic tutor (member of the Master’s degree).
  • Submission of periodical reports, related to the competencies to be acquired during the placements period.
  • Submission of a final report setting out the structure and function of the place of placement, the relationship of activities carried out and the conclusions reached. The work placements report may include the Master’s degree final project objectives.

Brief description of the contents of this module:

Students will carry out their work placements within the competence of their profession, albeit in different professional contexts. The placements will be carried out by agreements,  in private and public institutions and centres at a national or European level, recognised by the Academic coordinating committee.

The work placements are intended to encourage and produce “know-how”, “want to do”, “can do” and “have poise” learning, that is, knowing how to perform the professional role. It is not only about knowing and applying intervention techniques and strategies, but especially about acquiring a role learning.

In general, the contents of the Work placements Module are:

  • Becoming familiar with the different specialized environments that take care of the baby, the child and the family and know how to intervene in them.
  • Acquiring further experience to which the student already has due to his/her own profession or specialization, and in other areas, and being able to integrate this knowledge for improving child and family care.
  • Developing a practical experience of multidisciplinary intervention and being capable of maintaining a comprehensive intervention model.
  • Reflecting and conducting research from a multifactorial perspective, around those processes in favour of improving health or psychopathological deviation that may manifest itself in different contexts of child and family care and being able to apply this knowledge in their professional field.
  • Depending on the own competence of each profession, acquiring skills for medical, clinical, psychological, educational or social intervention to enable the worker designing strategies for the detection, prevention and intervention to promote health and deal with the perinatal, child and parental psychopathology.
  • Knowing how to develop oral and written reports.
  • Implementing appropriate professional attitudes.
  • Developing cooperation skills with other workers.
  • Acting in accordance with the ethical principles of professional practice.