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Training activities with its content in credits ECTS, its learning and teaching methodology, its relation to the competencies to be acquired by students

Master’s Degree Final Project: 6 ECTS

6 ECTS X 25 hours = 150 hours

The 6 ECTS for the Master’s degree final project are distributed as follows:

Tutorials, with a total of 1 ECTS, have the function of setting targets and monitor the work.

Self study with a total of 4.8 ECTS for completion of the work.

Assessment and oral presentation of the work with 0.2 ECTS

The work will be developed along three profiles:

1º - Professional intervention, which will develop a project for prevention, detection and/or intervention in the work placements carried out.

The sections to be taken into account in this case are:

  • Evaluation of the studies in relation to the work placements carried out.
  • Explanation and development of the activities performed.
  • Analysis and reflection on the work in which the placements have been carried out.
  • Competencies developed and the degree of learning achieved.
  • Monitoring activities carried out by the tutor.
  • Conclusions and proposals.

2º - Research-action that will develop a research in the field of perinatal and child psychology and psychopathology.

In the event that the study consist of the development of a research-action, the sections to be contemplated are:

  • Developing a research on a subject or issue related to perinatal and child psychology and psychopathology.
  • Description of skills developed,
  • Review of the bibliography on the subject investigated,
  • Data search for empirical work,
  • Conclusions reached.

3º - Documentation and bibliographic search.

  • Documentation on a subject related to perinatal psychology.
  • Description of methodologies and bibliographical search in documentation.
  • Socio-historical context of the documentary research
  • Conclusions and proposals.

Coordination of training activities:

Master’s degree professors will conduct the coordination, tutoring and assessment of the master’s degree work.