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The Universitat and AIMPLAS launch a new institutional chair

  • Web and Marketing Unit
  • February 23rd, 2024

The AIMPLAS-UV Chair will promote sustainability and innovation in the plastics industry, promoting training, research, knowledge transfer and supporting talent.

The principal of the Universitat de València, M. Vicenta Mestre; AIMPLAS’s president, José Luis Yusá; and AIMPLAS’s managing director, José Antonio Costa have signed a collaboration agreement which kick-starts the AIMPLAS-UV Chair. This new chair is created with the aim of fostering training, research, development and transfer of knowledge in the plastics industry. Focusing on sustainability and innovation, but especially on the promotion of talent, fostering social responsibility and awareness.

This agreement will enable the tackling of current and future challenges regarding sustainability and innovation of plastics, and will facilitate the integration of academic research following the necessities and advances of the industry.

The AIMPLAS-UV Chair stands as a meeting and collaboration space in which research, training and joint efforts will contribute to the sustainable development of the plastics industry in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda.

Amongst the actions that will be carried out in the framework of the AIMPLAS-UV Chair are highlighted those geared towards the promotion of talent, such as Undergraduate and Master's Degree Final Projects contests, the participation and arrangement of dissemination conferences, the arrangement of technical visits and the promotion of training through internships and specialised courses.


AIMPLAS, Technological Institute of Plastics, has a twofold purpose, they seek to add value to companies so that they can create wealth while working to solve social challenges, seeking to improve people’s quality of life and ensure environmental sustainability.

They are a non-profit organisation pertaining to the Technology Institutes Network of the Valencian Community (REDIT), offering companies on the plastics industry comprehensive and personalised solutions. From R&D&I projects to training and services of competitive and strategic intelligence, as well as other technological services such as analyses, trials and technical assistance.