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The Universitat and Fundació València Bàsquet signs an agreement for the creation of Basketball Chair

  • Office of the Principal
  • November 6th, 2019
Càtedra Bàsket

The Principal of Universitat de València, Mª Vicenta Mestre, and the managing director of Fundació València Bàsquet 2000, Paco Raga, have signed the collaboration’s agreement for the creation of ‘Càtedra de Bàsquet L’Alqueria del Basket’, the first Basketball Chair in Spain.

The Càtedra de Bàsquet L’Alqueria del Basket has the aim of promoting training, cultural, researcher and of university extension activities aimed to knowledge and permanent dissemination of the basket’s world. One of the most outstanding activities is the creation of ‘La Alquería del Baloncesto’ (The Basket’s Farmstead) award for the best final degree project and final master’s degree project made about this sport.

On the other hand, there will be conferences, courses, seminars and activities with a dissemination and transfer purpose, as well as publications and researches sponsored by the Chair.

The Principal, M.ª Vicenta Mestre, said that the creation of the Basket Chair L’Alqueria del Basket ‘is a great satisfaction for Universitat de València because it is based on two fundamental backbone of our institution: the transfer of knowledge to society and the value of inclusion and equality through sports, bearing in mind that the UV is a reference in the adapted sports field’.

For the director of Operations and Institutional Relationships of L’Alqueria del Basket, José Puentes, ‘we are proud to collaborate with Universitat and to join synergies that allow the development and training of children through basket, without forgetting the key aspect for us: ‘Culture of Endeavour’.

The signature of the collaboration agreement among Universitat de València and Fundació València Bàsquet 2000 has been in the Office of the Principal on Wednesday 6 November. There were also the Vice-principal of Innovation and Transfer, M.ª Dolores Real; the director of Physical Education and Sports Service, Vicente Añó; Vice-dean of Academic Regulations and Instalations of Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences and the director of the present Chair, Ferran Calabuig; the coordinator of L’Alqueria del Basket Fundació València Bàsquet 2000, M.ª Ángeles Vidal; and the physical trainer of Valencia Basket, Pedro Cotolí.

La Fundació Valènci ​a Bàsquet 2000 was constituted in 1966 with the aim of promoting and pushing of basketball, development of sport practice on young people and approaching to basketball from every part of the society.  L'Alqueria del Basket was created in 2017 as basketball school to host the future players of Valencia Basket. The centre set in València has 1500m2 of area and 13 basketball courts.