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Students coming from other entry profiles, to which the Academic Committee indicates the need of complementary training, will take on the doctoral programme’s first year, up to 20 credits on the following training complements offered in the Master’s Degree of Ethics and Democracy at the Universitat de València and the Universitat Jaume I in Castellón:


Subject: 42994 Citizenship and Democracy Theories (5 credits)


-Towards a proper concept of citizenship
-Republican traditions.
-Liberal traditions.
-Community traditions.
-Dimensions of citizenship
Are animals members of the political community?
-Democracy models
Configuration of a democratic citizenship.

Learning results:

At the end of the teaching-learning process, the student will be able to:
-Reflect from a deep knowledge on the traits of a democratic citizenship and on the ways of political organization which have been offered since diverse philosophical traditions; specially, the democratic one.
-Develop competences to implement such traits in daily life.

Subject: 42996 Ethics, Rhetoric and Politics (5 Credits)


-Essential elements on Aristotle’s speech on Rhetoric.
-Ethics and Rhetoric: deliberation, prudence and virtue.
-Ethics and political philosophy: men and citizen
-Hobbes and his breakdown with the rhetoric model: its consequences.
-Rousseau and the democratic cense as the cornerstone of morality.
-Development of consensus theories.
- The ‘nouvelle rhétorique’: moral philosophy’ and literature’s approach.

Learning results:

At the end of the teaching-learning process, the student will be able to:
-Reflect on the nature and sense of moral philosophy, specially of important notions of its history such as ‘character’, ‘emotion’, persuasion ‘argumentation’, ‘reasons’, ‘prudence’, etc., all of them in deep relation with rhetoric.
Understanding the special relationship between moral philosophy, rhetoric and literature and promote its cultivation.

Subject: 42995 Critical Hermeneutics: from Nietzsche to Ortega y Gasset (5 credits)


-Institutionalization of the unnatural habitat
-Men’s degeneration to an ‘animal herd’ or ‘Mass Man’
-Trasvaluation of values: ‘the great politics’
-The superman metaphor
-The last man and the limits of liberal democracy

Learning results:

At the end of the teaching-learning process, the student will be able to:
-Deepen in one of the most relevant topics in ethics and political philosophy, the philosophical method which opens up contemporary hermeneutics.
-Know hermeneutics’ decisive transformation of practical philosophy and its contribution to a substantive and experiential modernity.
-Reflect on whether Western culture has succeeded or failed, if a historical progress has taken place and what type of human being is behind the processes of modernisation.
-Investigate, applying an hermeneutic perspective, if liberal democracy is satisfactory, which values make it possible and which are the limits of the current political and economic system.

Subject: 42997 Cosmopolitan Citizenship and Human Development(5 Credits)


-Republican communitarism, cosmopolitan citizenship and human development.
-Limits of individualism.
-Political participation models.-The idea of citizenship
-Antagonist deliberative democracy.
-Influence of resource inequality in the deliberative process.

Learning results:

After the teaching-learning process, the student will be able to:
-Elucidate whether republican communitarism and deliberative models of political life are capable of overcoming obstacles and feebleness of current liberal procedures.
-Deliberate on the ordinary-life changes needed for a successful human development.
Analyse the phenomenon of ‘Reason of State’ from a genetic and critical perspective.
-History-critically rebuild interpretations on the “Reason of State” doctrine.
-Reflect on the justification or justifications that from different fields (ethical, political and legal) can be argued on the existence or persistence of the “Reason of State” in democratic societies.
-Fundament human rights in human dignity and higher values.

Subject: 43000 Critical Theory and Habermas: ethics, politics and economics (5 Credits)


-Critical Theory since the Frankfurt School
-Structure of practical reason: ethics, politics and economy
-Development of Haberma’s work: the pragmatic turn
-Democracy models: deliberative democracy
-The concept of civil society: global civil society
-A radical model of civil society.

Learning results:

After the teaching-learning process, the student will be able to:
-Relate the concepts of ethics democracy and civil society from a critic perspective. From a model of deliberative democracy in comparison to other democratic models currently in force.

Subject: 43003 Education for an active citizenship (5 credits)


-A person’s moral dimension and education for citizenship.
Ethical-civic education from different ethic perspectives.
-Citizenship dimensions and its educative areas.
-The current status of value-based primary, secondary and university teaching.
-Educate for happiness, educate on justice.
-The challenge of multicultural education.
-Education for peace and conflict resolution.
Active citizenship and participation models.
-Education for solidarity and free-of-charge: services learning and voluntary work.
-Emotional education in the frame of cordial reason.
Several programmes on moral education.
-Teaching staff’s moral contract and teaching ethics.

Learning results:

After the teaching-learning process, the student will be able to:

-Reflect on which educational conceptions can help us develop an active citizenship interested on promoting each of its dimensions: political, social, economic, civil, intercultural and cosmopolitan.
-Reflect on a renewed method in liberal education which contributes to the development of our intellectual and practical skills and which provides guidelines to understand controverted social realities, cultivate intellectual and ethic judgments and social empathy and responsibility, promoting integral learning and the construction of a personal identity.

Subject: 43009 Ecologic Ethics (5 Credits)



-Introduction to ecologic ethics: definition, foundations and applications.
-Main ethic problems that affect the environment.
-Main ethic problems in the relationship between human beings and animals.
-International statements on the rights of the Earth and the animals.


-Conceptualization of the ecologic crisis.
-Foundations of anthropocentrism.
-Foundations of Physio-centrism (pathocentrism, biocentrism and ecocentrism).
-Sustainable development and consumption ethics.


-Politics and ecology.
-Economy and ecology-
-Enterprises and ecology.
-Profession and ecology.

Learning results:

After the teaching-learning process, the student will be able to:
-Identify the main ethic problems addressed in ecologic ethics, studying in which degree human action is damaging the environment and the animals.
-Analyse the different ethical theories that establish foundation to face problems, showing from a special view the differences between anthropocentrism and physiocentrism.
-Ethically assess scientific and technological contributions for humanity and nature in its totality.

Subject: 43011 Bio-ethics, Rhetoric and Politics (5 Credits)


-Ethics and Bio-ethics: from the principles to responsibilities
-Bioethical paradigms: Is a Bio-ethical Europe possible?
-The lack of Bioethics in the Theories of Democracy
-Bioethics in public deliberation agendas.
-The future human nature: barriers of dressing, caring and rearing
-Ethical theories on “public health”: Paternalistic despotism or social justice?

Learning results:

After the teaching-learning process, the student will be able to:

-Know the origin, development and functions of bio-ethics in a democratic society.
-Analyse the value and importance of bio-ethics in public spaces and democratic deliberation.
-Responsibly direct, manufacture and administrate ethic committees in their different.

Training activities common to all subjects:

Face-to-face theoretical classes
Individual or group problem or practical-case resolution
Search, revision and study of bibliographical materials
Personal tutorials
Development and presentation of a project
Seminar, Conference cycles, specific workshops

Assessment systems common to all subjects:

Assessment will be continuous, flexible and customized, so the students can establish a singularized work plan according to their area or interests shown in research and their professional inclinations.

Assessment criteria is established around this three areas:

a.- Significant attendance and participation in classes and seminars;
b.-Skills for critical and clear analysis in exposition;
c.- Presentation of final projects in each subjects, following international scientific