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Tallers intensius de llengües i cultures - Juliol de 2015
Languages and Cultures Workshops - July 2015

The workshops are free and are open to students and staff of the UV. The working languages will be the one of each workshop and Valencian. Each session will last 90 minutes, from Monday to Friday, from 1 to 31 July, except the Ukrainian language and culture workshop, which will be from 29 June to 24 July. Check the workshops list in the photograph attached


The workshops will take place in the Beatriu Civera Building (Calle del Serpis, 29), ground floor. Except the workshop of Romanian language and culture and one of the two groups of the German workshop of the Level A1, which will be held in the room 2.2 of the Building Manuel Sanchís Guarner (Calle del Serpis, 29).

The workshop of Czech and Polish of level A1 are indicated for people with some previous knowledge of the language of the workshop or any other Slavic language.

Once the workshops started, the coordinators may propose to the participants to change group, for improving the functioning, especially if they detect very heterogeneous levels.

Unauthorised lack of attendance in the first session or during two consecutive sessions or three alternate days will result in the unsubscription from the course. The authorization, if applicable, should be submitted in the first session to the coordinator of the module, who will be in charge of deciding if it is valid or not.

The workshops are not validated for credits and attendance will not be certified.

Information and registration:


Date From 22 may 2015 to 31 july 2015. 24h. Every day.


SPL, Edificio Beatriu Civera, calle del Serpis, 29, planta baja, València.

Organized by

Servei de Política Lingüística.



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