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  1. What master’s degree courses are offered at the Universitat de València? 
  2. Are the master’s degrees offered in the pre-enrolment phase I and in the pre-enrolment phase II the same?
  3. How can I know the specific admission requirements for each master’s degree? 
  4. Is previous professional experience needed to be admitted to a master’s degree? 
  5. Must I have finished the studies required to be eligible for admission to a master’s degree to be allowed to pre-enrol? 
  6. How long are the master’s degree courses? 
  7. What is an ECTS? 
  8. Is there an offer of official online master’s degrees?  
  9. Are there master’s degrees taught totally in English? 
  10. Can I study a master’s degree course on a part-time basis? 
  11. Can I study more than one master’s degree in the same year? 
  12. Is it possible to access the Master’s Degree in Law or the Master’s Degree in General Health Psychology with a foreign qualification? 
  13. I am a foreign student. Do I need a visa to gain admission to a master’s degree?
  1. When does the pre-enrolment period for a master’s degree start?
  2. What’s the difference between pre-enrolment and enrolment?
  3. Is there an application processing fee? 
  4. What does the admission process to a master’s degree involve? 
  5. Can I amend the pre-enrolment application that I submitted or attach new documents to it? 
  6. Do I have to be physically present in the waiting list call? 
  7. How many waiting list calls are there? 
  8. What happens if I’m on the waiting list and want to be considered for the call? 
  1. When can I request a pre-admission letter?
  2. When can I request an admission letter?
  3. What documents do I have to attach to my online application to be admitted to a master’s degree? 
  4. In what cases must supporting documents be legalised or apostilled?  
  5. Do I need to provide a translation into Spanish of my supporting documents? 
  6. Where do I have to send a paper copy of my pre-enrolment supporting documents?
  7. When do I have to send a paper copy of my supporting documents?
  8. Do UV students need to submit a paper copy of the supporting documents to the Student Services? 
  9. Do I need to submit a paper copy of my disability certificate? 
  1. I have been admitted to a master’s degree. How and when do I enrol?
  2. What details will I have to provide to access the online enrolment portal? 
  3. If I have a problem during the enrolment process and it cannot be completed, who can I ask for help?
  4. What happens if I have been admitted to a master’s degree and I do not enrol within the period established? 
  5. When does the course start? 
  6. What is the cost of a master’s degree course at the UV? 
  7. When do the fees or costs of a master’s degree have to be payed? 
  8. Is the price of a master’s degree higher for foreign students? 
  9. Does the UV award grants to study master’s degree courses?
  1. What master’s degree courses are offered at the Universitat de València? 

The UV offers the widest and most comprehensive range of master’s degree courses available at any Valencian university, with over a hundred master’s degrees on offer. You can check the full course catalogue here:

  1. Are the master’s degrees offered in the pre-enrolment phase I and in the pre-enrolment phase II the same?

The same master’s degrees are offered, but some may not accept any more applications in phase II because all places available were assigned during phase I.

  1. How can I know the specific admission requirements for each master’s degree? 

Each master’s degree may establish specific requirements for admission, such as a qualification within a particular field of knowledge or a specific language certificate. To know the specific admission criteria for each master’s degree, you can check the section “Access and Admission” on the master’s degree web page on the Student Services site.

  1. Is previous professional experience needed to be admitted to a master’s degree? 

No. In some cases it may be a criterion for determining the order of candidates if a lot of applications have been received, but it is never a requirement.

  1. Must I have finished the studies required to be eligible for admission to a master’s degree to be allowed to pre-enrol? 

Students who will complete the studies required to be eligible for admission to a master’s degree during the current academic year may pre-enrol even if they have not completed such studies at the time of submitting their application. Successful applicants may be admitted and enrol conditionally subject to compliance with the requirements before 30 September at midnight. Failure to provide evidence of compliance of admission requirements within the deadline set will result in their enrolment being automatically cancelled.

  1. How long are the master’s degree courses? 

Official master’s degree last either one or two years, that is, between 60 and 120 ECTS credits. 

  1. What is an ECTS? 

An ECTS credit is the measurement used in order to establish the length of university studies. The price of university studies is also calculated on the basis of the price of an ECTS credit. 

  1. Is there an offer of online official master’s degrees?  

Yes. The following master’s degree are blended courses: 

  • Master's Degree in Law and Gender-based Violence (2130)
  • Master's Degree in Corporate Law and Justice (2217)
  • Master's Degree in Ethics and Democracy (2136)
  • Master's Degree in Gender and Equality Policies (2153)
  • Master’s Degree in History of scientific communication (2198)
  • Master's Degree in Medical Physics (2140)
  • Master’s Degree in Advanced Optometry and Vision Sciences (2175)
  • Master’s Degree in Constitutional law (2223)
  1. Are there master’s degree taught totally in English? 

Yes, the following: 

  • Master's Degree in Economics (2202)
  • Master’s Degree in International Business Management. IMBA (2069)
  • Erasmus Mundus Master’s Degree in Psychology of Work, Organisations and Human Resources (2235)
  • Master’s Degree in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2208)
  • Master’s Degree in Advanced English Studies (2196)
  1. Can I study a master’s degree course on a part-time basis? 

Yes, the enrolment regulations of the UV allow students to enrol in a master’s degree on a part-time basis. Part-time students take only between 24 and 36 ECTS credits per year. 

  1. Can I study more than one Master’s degree in the same year? 

Yes. However, UV students may enrol in a maximum of 72 ECTS credits per year and must enrol in a minimum of 24 ECTS credits in each of the two master’s degrees. During pre-enrolment, the candidate can only be admitted to one master’s degree. Enrolment in the second master’s degree can only be made after the pre-enrolment phase and provided that there are places available.  

  1. Is it possible to access the Master’s Degree in Law Practice or the Master’s Degree in General Health Psychology with a foreign qualification? 

In these two cases, foreign degrees have to be validated even if they have been issued by an educational institution that is part of the EHEA.

  1. I am a foreign student. Do I need a visa to gain admission to a master’s degree?

A visa is not a requirement for admission to a master’s degree but it is for your stay in Spain if you are a non-EU citizen. Check the following information on how to apply:

Also, check the answer to: When can I apply for an admission letter?

  1. When does the pre-enrolment period for a master’s degree start?

Pre-enrolment in an official master’s degree for the 2019-2020 academic year is open from 1 February until 19 June (Phase I) and from 19 July to 4 September (Phase II). During these two periods, candidates may apply through the UV Online Office.

  1. What is the difference between pre-enrolment and enrolment?

Pre-enrolment is a process that takes place before enrolment during which applications for a course are assessed and the places available are allocated. Therefore, the final step in the pre-enrolment process is to notify candidates if they have been admitted, included on the waiting list or excluded.

Enrolment is the process following pre-enrolment. Students admitted in the corresponding pre-enrolment phase are now allowed to enrol within the period established (refer to enrolment calendar).

  1. Is there an application processing fee? 

Yes, but only for holders of degrees issued outside the EHEA that have not been officially recognised in Spain. In these cases, the processing of the pre-enrolment application is subject to a fee of €155.22 for the verification of equivalence of the foreign qualification giving access to the master’s degree. The fee is payable by bank card at the time of submitting the online pre-enrolment application.

  1. What does the admission process to a master’s degree involve? 

Each master’s degree has an Academic Coordinating Committee that runs the degree. As part of the admission process, after each of the phases in which pre-enrolment is organised, these committees meet and assess the candidates’ applications. As a result, the Student Services publish the list of candidates admitted, included on the waiting list and excluded. Additionally, each applicant is individually notified by email of the final result of the process. 

  1. Can I amend the pre-enrolment application that I submitted or attach new documents to it?

Candidates cannot amend their pre-enrolment application once it has been submitted. If they wish to make changes they must withdraw their application and submit a new one within the deadline set for pre-enrolment. To do so, they must access their application at “My personal site” in the Online Office (ENTREU) and choose the options offered.

To attach documents to their application, candidates must access “My personal site” in the Online Office (ENTREU). There they can check the applications that they have submitted and choose the master’s degree pre-enrolment application. The column called “Actions” offers the option to attach documents.

  1. Do I have to be physically present in the waiting list call? 

No, you don’t. The call of candidates from the waiting list is not made face-to-face. The Student Services staff will make the admission offers following the order of the waiting list according to the number of places available after the enrolment period.

The result of the waiting list call is notified to the students who are now admitted to a master’s degree. 

  1. How many waiting list calls are there? 

Two, both carried out in Phase I. The first call is on 23 July and the second on 29 July.    

  1. What happens if I’m on the waiting list and want to be considered for the call? 

If you are on the waiting list and wish to be considered for the waiting list call, you must confirm your wish to remain on the list. Otherwise, you will not be considered for the call to allocate the places available.

  1. How can I request a pre-admission letter?

Pre-admission letters can be issued once the pre-enrolment period starts. From this date, those candidates who have completed the online pre-enrolment process can request a pre-admission letter to the address, to use it to apply for a scholarship or for any other relevant purposes. 

  1. When can I request an admission letter? 

When the results of the pre-enrolment phase in which you participated have been notified and published, you will be able to download your admission letter through “My personal site” in the Online Office (ENTREU). This electronic document includes a digital signature and a secure verification code (CSV) through which its validity can be verified by any official body.

  1. What documents do I have to attach to my online application to be admitted to a master’s degree? 

Generally, together with your online application, you must submit an electronic copy of: 

  • The university degree certificate required to be eligible for admission to the master’s degree studies.
  • The academic transcript of marks obtained in the university studies required to be eligible for admission to the master’s degree, which must include the average mark. Foreign students must indicate theiraccording to the procedure established by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport ( Candidates failing to provide a mark in this 10-point scale will be given an admission average mark of 5 points.
  • DNI (Spanish citizens), NIE (residents in Spain) or passport (foreign citizens). 

Additionally, each master’s degree may require other supporting documents according to the specific requirements that may have been established. Refer to the section “Documents to be submitted” for further information. 

  1. In what cases must supporting documents be legalised or apostilled? 

Your supporting documents must be legalised or apostilled (and translated, where appropriate) and submitted together with your online application in the case of university degrees obtained in non-EU countries or in countries which are not signatories to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or to a bilateral agreement with the European Union. For more information, see:

The submission of the electronic supporting documents is an essential requirement for processing your pre-enrolment application.

According to Law 39/2015, applicants do not need to provide certified copies.

Exceptionally, when the Student Services has doubts as to the authenticity of the electronic documents submitted, it may require the presentation of the original documents for making a comparative check. This check can only be carried out by the Student Services of the Universitat de València and not by registry offices.

  1. Do I provide a translation into Spanish of my supporting documents?

Supporting documents in Spanish, Catalan, English, French, Italian or Portuguese do not need to be translated. A translation will be required for documents issued in any other language. 

  1. Where do I have to send a paper copy of my pre-enrolment supporting documents?

According to Law 39/2015, applicants do not need to provide certified copies.

Exceptionally, when the Student Services has doubts as to the authenticity of the electronic documents submitted, it may require the presentation of the original documents for making a comparative check.

  1. When do I have to send a paper copy of my supporting documents?

In general, you are not required to submit paper documents.

According to Law 39/2015, applicants do not need to provide certified copies.

Exceptionally, when the Student Services has doubts as to the authenticity of the electronic documents submitted, it may require the presentation of the original documents for making a comparative check. This check can only be carried out by the Student Services of the Universitat de València and not by registry offices.

  1. Do UV students need to submit a paper copy of the supporting documents to the Student Services?

No, they don’t. They must attach proof of payment of the fees for the issuance of their degree certificate by 30 September.

To attach documents to their application, candidates must access “My personal site” in the UV Online Office (ENTREU). There they can check the applications that they have submitted and choose the one for the master’s degree pre-enrolment application. The column called “Actions” offers the option to attach documents.

  1. Do I need to submit a paper copy of my disability certificate?

No, you don’t. Applicants with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33% must indicate this circumstance in the corresponding section of the electronic application form and attach the corresponding supporting documents.

  1. I have been admitted in a master’s degree, how and when do I enrol?

It depends on when the admission was resolved. Successful candidates who submitted their pre-enrolment application in Phase I (from 1 February to 19 June) may enrol online from 16 to 18 July. Successful candidates who submitted their pre-enrolment application in Phase II (from 19 July to 4 September) may enrol online from 26 to 27 September.

Successful candidates must enrol online through the student’s portal (, for which they will need their application number.

  1. What details will I have to provide to access the online enrolment portal? 

To access the online enrolment portal, candidates must identify themselves by providing the following data:

  • ID number or passport indicated in their pre-enrolment application
  • Date of birth
  • The number of their pre-enrolment application. This number is shown on the pre-enrolment application (in the upper-right corner of the PDF document that was generated and is identified with the code UV-EST_PM18-XXXXXX) and is also indicated to successful candidates in the personal
  1. If I have a problem during the enrolment process and it cannot be completed, who can I ask for help?

The enrolment in a master’s degree is managed by the corresponding faculty or school. To solve any incident that may occur, you must approach the Office of the Secretary of the faculty or school responsible for the master’s degree in which you wish to enrol. 

Check the list of master’s degrees and the faculty or school to which it is ascribed:

Master's list with their management centre

  1. What happens if I have been admitted to a master’s degree and I do not enrol within the period established? 

Candidates who have been admitted to a master’s degree and do not enrol within the period established will lose their right to the place initially allocated to them, which will be offered to applicants on the waiting list or made available in the next pre-enrolment phase, as appropriate.

If you have been admitted in pre-enrolment Phase II and you do not enrol within the deadline set, you can ask the Student Services if there are any places available. 

  1. When does the course start? 

Master’s degree courses typically start in mid-September and end in June. The specific calendar can be consulted in the master’s degree webpage, published in the Student Services site, which includes specific information on the master’s degree. 

  1. What is the cost of a master’s degree course at the UV? 

The UV is a public university so the price to take studies here is set yearly by the regional government. Each master’s degree webpage, published in the Student Services website, specifies the price per credit for that degree. The approximate price of a master’s degree can be calculated by multiplying the number of credits by the price per credit and adding 30€ for administrative fees. 

  1. When do the fees or costs of a master’s degree have to be payed?  

Enrolment fees are payable in September or October, depending on the date of enrolment. The university allows payment in six monthly instalments. Payment can also be made by credit card (in full or in instalments), so a Spanish bank account is not required. 

  1. Is the price of a master’s degree higher for foreign students?

No, the costs of master’s degrees are established by law by the Valencian Government each year, regardless of the student’s nationality.

Only those students who access the master’s degree course through a university qualification issued outside the European Higher Education Area that has not been officially recognised will be charged a €155.22 fee, payable through the electronic pre-enrolment application form by bank card, for the process of verification of equivalence of the foreign qualification.

  1. Does the UV award grants to study master’s degree courses?

Yes. The UV Office of the Vice-Rector for International Relations and Cooperation offers yearly the Luis Cardona grants, the Cooperation grants and other grants addressed to students from developing countries. Additionally, the UV Information and Promotion Service (SeDi) offers student grants. For further information, please check their websites or the following link.