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If you are enrolling for the first time on the university entrance examinations:

  • The enrolment will take place on the centre you have studied upper secondary school.

To improve marks:

  • The enrolment to improve marks from previous PAU calls must take place on the centre you have studied upper secondary school.
    If you are a student from any other autonomous community, you must go to the Student Services of the Universitat de València (Blasco Ibáñez Avenue, 13. 46010 Valencia).

Protocol for requesting adaptation for the university entrance examinations


Enrolment rules


Dates for the exam

  • June 2023 call: 6th, 7th and 8th.
  • July 2023 call: 4th, 5th and 6th.

Schedule for the exam

University entrance examination

A) Compulsory Phase

  • Spanish: Language and Literature.
  • Valencian: Language and Literature.
  • Foreign Language: English, French, Italian, German.
  • Spanish History.
  • Subject of the modality taken.

The marks obtained will be valid indefinitely.

B) Voluntary Phase

This phase is voluntary, and its main aim is to increase the university entrance marks.

Students will be able to take the exam of the core elective subjects, whether they have taken them or not.

Students that had passed the university entrance examinations according to previous regulations (COU, Upper Secondary School, LOGSE) will be able to sit for the voluntary phase and increase their university entrance marks.

Guides and exams


University entrance marks (NAU)

Calculated with the average mark from upper secondary school (60%) and the arithmetic average of the marks obtained on the five exams of the Compulsory Phase, provided that it is equal or higher than four (40%).

University degrees’ entrance marks (NAT)

Obtained by increasing the university entrance mark with the marks obtained on the Voluntary Phase subjects.

The university degrees’ entrance marks will add the marks of these subjects in a weighted manner, multiplying by 0,1 the mark of the subjects that are assigned to the branch of knowledge of the degree, or by 0,2 if they are subjects selected by the universities to access each degree. 

The university degrees’ entrance marks may be different depending on the degree requested in the pre-enrolment, since in each case the grades of the subjects examined in the Voluntary Phase may be weighted differently (0,1 or 0,2).

Therefore, the NAT calculation formula is as it follows:

  • (CMB x 0.6 + CFG x 0.4) + A x M1 + B x M2

CMB: Average grades of upper secondary school
CFG: Compulsory phase marks
A y B: weighting coefficients according to the link between the subject examined in the Voluntary Phase and the degree for which a place is requested (0, 0,1 or 0,2).

M1 y M2: Results obtained on the Voluntary Phase subjects that provide better marks for admission.

Delivery of results

  • June 2023 call: 16th of June from 1 PM.
  • July 2023 call: 11th of July from 5 PM.

Deadline to request revisions

  • June 2023 call: 19th, 20st and 21nd of June until 2 PM.
  • July 2023 call: 12th, 13th and 14th of July until 2 PM.


  • ORDER ECD/1941/2016, of 22 December, by which the characteristics, design and content of the upper secondary school evaluation for university entrance, the maximum dates of realization and resolution of the procedures for the review of the marks obtained, for the academic year 2016/2017, are determined.
  • ROYAL DECREE-LAW 5/2016, of December 9, on urgent measures for the extension of the implementation schedule of the Organic Law 8/2013, of December 9, for the improvement of the quality of education.
  • ROYAL DECREE 310/2016, of 29 July, by which the final evaluations of Compulsory and Upper Secondary Education are regulated.
  • ROYAL DECREE 412/2014,  of June 6, by which the basic regulation regarding the procedure of admission to official university degrees are established.
  • ORGANIC LAW 8/2013, of December 9, for the improvement of the quality of education.