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  • Mercedes Lecue Gochicoa, Director of the Studies and Evaluation Office, University of Valladolid
  • Santi Roca Martín, Director of the Area of Planning, Quality and Transversal Programmes, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
  • Ricardo Díaz Cano, Head of the Evaluation, Planning and Quality Service, Universitat Politècnica de València
  • Carme Melsió Núñez, Head of the Organising and Quality Service, University of Barcelona
  • Francisco Javier Monforte Serrano, Director of the Office of Quality and Evaluation, University of La Rioja
  • María Jesús Mairata Creus, Director of the University Statistics and Quality Service (SEQUA), University of the Balearic Islands
  • Rosendo Pou Amérigo, Director of the Quality Unit, Universitat de València