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The Universitat de València convenes the first Doctoral Theses Dissemination Conference in accordance with the following regulations:

  1. The Doctoral Theses Dissemination Conference aims to present society the research carried out by doctoral students, with a language simple and accessible for the general public and with a maximum three-minute speech. The conference will take place on October 19, 2018, at the Joan Plaça Auditorium of the Botanic Garden of the Universitat de València, and aims to reward the communicative capacity of participants as well as to promote the interest in dissemination and scientific communication, and to increase the scientific culture of citizens.
  2. Those enrolled in any doctoral program of the Universitat de València, at least in the second year, can participate, their enrolment shall be active and all their payments for the academic year 2017/2018 shall be up to date. It will be compulsory to not have defended the thesis on the date the conference takes place, October 19, 2018, and have the approval of the thesis directors.
  3. The application to participate in the conference must be submitted by registering on the web before September 15, 2018, and submitting a copy to the General Registry of the University of Valencia (Av. Blasco Ibáñez 13), in any of its auxiliary offices, or in any official registry of those provided in article 38.4 of Law 30/1992, of November 26, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.

On the registration form, an informative text of a maximum of 1,500 words must be attached which will present the subject of research and the impact that it may have on both the scientific community and society, as well as a text including the thesis directors approval.

  1. Two people appointed by the Doctoral School board and one by the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit board of the Universitat de València will select up to 25 people among the applications received to participate in person in the October 19 conference at the Botanic Garden of the Universitat de València in accordance with the following criteria.
  •  Clarity and text structure: up to 3 points
  •  Research interest and coherence: up to 3 points
  •  Creativity and originality: up to 3 points
  •  Correct use of syntax, orthographic rules and gender inclusive language: up to 1 point.

If a member of the jury finds any reason for abstention, they must decline to be part of it, without prejudice to the liabilities for failing to do so.

The list of those selected to participate in person in the conference will be published on the official board of the Universitat de València (, on the websites of the Doctoral School and the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit of the Universitat de València on September 19, 2018.

  1. Those selected are committed to participate in person on the October 19, 2018, conference and to give a three-minute speech maximum on the interest of their research. Distance participation, via any videoconference or similar system, is not allowed.

The content of the presentations shall refer to the research being carried out to elaborate the doctoral thesis, and can be done in Catalan, Spanish or English. It must be borne in mind that any information disseminated by participants will be liable to public dissemination; that is why, in the case of a confidentiality agreement, the parties involved in that research will have to contrast the contents of the presentation in this conference. The session will be open to the public.

As a support element to the public presentation slides may be shown, although it is recommended not to show more than 2-4, and the use of any type of video or sound file, musical instruments, costumes, etc. will not be allowed. Nor is interaction with the attending public permitted.

Those who exceed the three-minute maximum time during their speeches shall be automatically disqualified.

6. The order of speakers in the conference shall be chosen by lots and will be published on September 21, 2018, on the official board of the Universitat de València (, on the websites of the Doctoral School and the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit of the Universitat de València.

7. The conference will be video recorded and interventions shall be accessible through the website of the Doctoral School and the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit of the Universitat de València. The conference may be broadcast on mass media and/or Internet.

8. The Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit of the Universitat de València shall be responsible for the processing and instruction of this procedure.

9. Three prizes will be awarded to the participants best rated by the jury distributed as follows:

  • a first prize of one-week stay at Harvard University in 2019, the amount of which shall not exceed € 2.000€ that shall only cover travel and accommodation expenses
  • a second prize of € 500
  • a third prize of € 300.

These prizes amounts shall be subject to the withholding taxes prescribed by law and are compatible with any other subsidy, grant, income or prize. The amounts of the prizes shall be charged to the line item 1900000000 of the 2018 budget of the Doctoral School of the Universitat de València. The winner of the first prize is committed to be part of the jury of the II Doctoral Thesis Dissemination Conference that will take place in the future.

10. The prize will be awarded on a competitive basis. Subsequent voting rounds will be held by the jury until obtaining a majority regarding the three winning works. However, the prize may not be awarded if the jury considers that none of the works submitted meets the minimum quality standards requested. In no case shall the prize money be split between multiple winners.
11. The jury will be formed by:

  • José Vicente Bagán, director of the Doctoral School of the Universitat de València
  • Beatriz Gallardo, researcher of the language Theory and Communication Sciences Department of the Universitat de València
  • Carme Agustí, researcher of the Cellular Biology, Functional Biology and Physical Anthropology Department of the Universitat de València
  • Cristina Gaona, doctoral student of the Universitat de València
  • Pere Estupinyà, scientific communicator and writer

If a member of the jury finds any reason for abstention, they must decline to be part of it, without prejudice to the liabilities for failing to do so. For an objective assessment of the speeches, the jury will consider the following weighting criteria:

  • Content of the speech: research interest, clarity of the exposition of objectives and methodology up to 4 points

  • Creativity and originality regarding the speech form: structure, intonation, speech speed, eye contact with the public, etc. – up to 3 points
  • Simple language, correct use of syntax and gender inclusive language: up to 3 points

12. The submission of the application to participate on this conference implies full acceptance of these regulations and of the rights and obligations arising from them. All matters not covered by these rules will be solved following the free criteria of the jury.

13. All the events related to this call will be published on the official board of the Universitat de València and on the websites of the Doctoral School and of the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit and of the Universitat de València for notification purposes.

14. The personal data provided in this call will be incorporated into the proper information systems of the University of Valencia for managing and processing the applications in accordance with the provisions of General Law 38/2003, November 17, on Subsidies.

Those who provide the data have the right to request the person in charge of their processing to access their personal data, their rectification or deletion, or the limitation of their treatment, or to oppose the treatment, as well as the right to the portability of the data. The interested parties may exercise their access rights, by sending an email addressed to, sent from official addresses of the University of Valencia, or by writing accompanied by a copy of an Identity document and, where applicable, supporting documents for the application addressed to the Academic Delegate of the Rectorate for the Protection of Data of the University of Valencia.

  • Data of the person in charge: Universitat de València Estudi General, CIF Q4618001D and address Avenida Blasco Ibáñez 13 (46010 Valencia).
  • Purposes and legal basis of the processing: In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, we inform you that your personal data will be incorporated into the information systems of the Universitat de València that remain relevant in order to manage and process your application to participate in the conference, in accordance with General law 38/2003 of November 17, on subsidies.
  • Data source: The Universitat de València will only process data provided by the applicant.
  • Personal data recipients: Within the framework of the relationship established on the occasion of the request to participate in the conference, it is reported that only the strictly necessary data shall be transferred in the following cases and for the following purposes:
  • Bank entities, if applicable, for the payment of the prizes that may be required
  • Publication of the resolution of the concession of the prize on the official board of the Universitat de València. Additionally, for informative purposes, the resolution can be hyperlinked to web pages of the official domain of the University of Valencia.
  • Publication of the beneficiary, amount and object of the prize in the transparency portal of the University of Valencia (, in compliance with the provisions of Article 8.1 a) of Law 19/2013, of December 9, on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance, and Article 9.1 e) of Law 2/2015, April 2, on Transparency, Good Governance and Citizen Participation in the Valencian Community.
  • In the National Subsidies Database, in compliance with the provisions of Article 20 of general Law 38/2003, November 17, on Subsidies.
  • Data storage period: Data will be preserved and canceled according to the following criteria:

A. Regarding not awarded persons, the data will be preserved during the periods stipulated in the administrative legislation guaranteeing the rights of competitors.

B. Regarding the awarded person, the data will be kept during the entire period linked to the management of the prize, if deemed appropriate will be incorporated to the academic record and will be kept for the purpose of accreditation and certification of the award of the prize and of any other related academic merit.

  • Rights: Those who provide the data have the right to request the person in charge of their processing to access their personal data, their rectification or deletion, or the limitation of their treatment, or to oppose the treatment, as well as the right to the portability of the data. The interested parties may exercise their access rights, by sending an email addressed to, sent from official addresses of the University of Valencia, or by writing accompanied by a copy of an Identity document and, where applicable, supporting documents for the application addressed to the Academic Delegate of the Rectorate for the Protection of Data of the University of Valencia.
  • Right to lodge a complaint with a control authority: the Universitat de València, its foundations and associated entities are adapted to the law on data protection (LOPD) and the data protection regulation (RGPD). They have the email address for any information, suggestion, request for the exercise of rights and amicable resolution of disputes regarding personal data protection, notwithstanding the right to file a complaint to the competent control authority.
  • The privacy policies of the University of Valencia can be consulted on the web

15. The resolution of the prize corresponds to the vice-rector of Studies and Language Policy, by delegation of the Rector of the University of Valencia and within a maximum of 6 months, in accordance with the provisions of general Law 38/2003 on Subsidies. Against this resolution, which exhausts the administrative channel, a possible appeal may be lodged within one month from the day following its notification or publication, before the same body that has issued it or directly administrative litigation, before the organs of the contentious administrative jurisdiction of the Valencian Community, within two months from the day following its publication.

16. The granting of these awards will be in accordance with the provisions of these bases and, in addition, Law 1/2015, of February 6, of the Generalitat, Public Treasury, the Public Sector and Subsidies, and Law 30/1992, of November 26, on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and the Common Administrative Procedure.