University of Valencia logo Logo Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit - Chair for Scientific Dissemination Logo del portal

One of the goals of the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit of the University of Valencia is to collaborate with the spread of science dissemination activities in society.

This collaboration requires that:

1. The following logos are included in the dissemination material (folders, posters, videos, etc.)

 • UV Culture and Scientific Innovation Unit, either in colour or black and white

 • Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology and Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, either in colour or black and white

2. The proposal must comply with the parity agreement of this UCC+i UV

3. The information must be sent at least one week before the execution of the activity

3. La información deberá enviarse al menos con una semana de antelación a la ejecución de la actividad

CTicket. Collaboration in the dissemination of activities
Ticket. Collaboration in the dissemination of activities