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The UV, among the 200 best universities in the world in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • April 15th, 2019
Rectorado de la Universitat de València desde la Plaza Charles Darwin.
Rectorado de la Universitat de València desde la Plaza Charles Darwin.

THE University Impact Rankings, an international ranking that measures the performance of universities in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) places the Universitat de València (UV) among the 200 best in the world and in the range 5 to 14 in Spain. As individual objectives, the academic institution stands out in Objective 16, which promotes just, peaceful and inclusive societies, in the 30th position in the world.

On 25 September 2015, the UN adopted a set of global goals to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity as part of Agenda 2030. It includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals, each of which contains specific targets.  In its first edition, published this April, THE University Impact Rankings has evaluated 11 of these 17 United Nations commitments.

In this ranking, out of 450 higher education institutions from 76 countries, the Universitat de València also stands out in objective 11 (cities and human settlements that are inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable), where it ranks 82nd on the individual scale by objectives.

In addition, the Valencian centre is number 92 in the world in objective 5, which aims to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls; it occupies the 96th position in guaranteeing responsible consumption and production modalities (objective 12) and is the 97th university in the world to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth (objective 8).

"This ranking addresses different aspects of research and teaching performance.  It deals with the institution's commitment to sustainable development, with social growth that goes hand in hand with academic growth and, in this case too, the Universitat de València proves to be at the forefront", stressed Joaquín Aldás, Vice-Rector for Strategy, Quality and Information Technologies.    

Other results achieved by the Universitat de València are the world position 101-202 in objectives 9, 10 and 17 (Industry, innovation and infrastructure, as well as Reduction of inequalities and third Alliance for Objectives).

On a Spanish scale, the first five centres, according to the THE University Impact Rankings, are for Pompeu Fabra University, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the Pontifical University of Comillas, the Universitat de Girona and the Universitat de València, which is the first centre cited from the 5-14 best in the state.

Globally, the ranking is headed by the University of Auckland (New Zealand), McMaster University and the University of British Columbia in Canada, and the British centres University of Manchester and King's College London.  In Europe, the first five places are occupied, in this order, by the two UK centres mentioned, the University of Gothengurg, the KTH Royal Institute of Technology (both from Sweden) and the University of Bologna (Italy).

You can consult the ranking at

More information (Analysis and Planning Service of the Universitat de València):