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FECyT renews the accreditation of the Scientific Culture Unit of the University of Valencia as a dissemination entity

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • February 19th, 2020
Logotype UCC+i Universitat de València.
Logotype UCC+i Universitat de València.

The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECyT), a dependent entity of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, has renewed the accreditation of the Scientific Culture of Innovation Unit (UCC+i) of the University of Valencia as a dynamising entity in the transmission of science, technology and innovation from an informative and open to the citizenship perspective.

Since its creation in 2007, the UCC+i of the University of Valencia has been renewing all the accreditations made by FECyT, which has uninterruptedly granted it the status of a member of the Scientific Culture and of Innovation Units Network. Accreditation expires December 31, 2021.

The scientific culture and innovation units have the mission of making the value of knowledge understandable to society, with the aim of increasing the scientific culture of citizens, as well as its interest in science, technology and innovation. These objectives are fulfilled by a wide range of activities, ranging from the communication of university research to the organisation of activities aimed at specific and general audiences, to stimulate scientific vocations and help knowing the important role that science has in social progress.

To be accredited, the minimum requirements that the UCC+i must fulfill are to have a stable organisation in front of which there is a responsible person with full dedication; a budget that shows the entity’s commitment to the unit and a minimum level of activity, depending on the type (communication, dissemination, training or research). The UCC+i of the University of Valencia is one of the units of scientific culture that carries out the four types of actions mentioned.

Among the activities of science dissemination organised by the University of Valencia, we can mention projects aimed at secondary education as a series of conferences given by university teaching staff (Stimulating Scientific Vocations); workshops in Mathematics, Astronomy and Geology; or the Mathematical Routes, itineraries around Valencia that, based on the monumental heritage of the city, show the applications of science.

The University of Valencia, through its UCC+i, also organises activities such as science bars or conferences, seminars and morning sessions, the Dissemination Day of Doctoral Theses or participates in various activities such as the Air Fair, among others. It also disseminates part of the scientific production of the University of Valencia with the preparation of press releases. Among the awards obtained stands out the University Management and Good Administrative Practices Award, granted in 2019 by the Social Council of the University of Valencia as part of the XXIII University-Society Awards. The award recognises the actions of improvement and innovation carried out by the unit to modernise the University, carried out in accordance with the needs of the educational community.